You are Taeyang! The Sun

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Chapter 4 

~The Fifth Aliens POV~

The last thing I saw before the metal door closed was her long red hair that swished with every step she took, distancing herself from me. I felt like it was getting harder to breath as she got further away from me. I knew she was different from the other humans I have seen, even before she walked into this cage that I have been in for only a few hours now. She had this aura around her that made me instantly trust her and I know for a fact that she made my friends feel the same way. I could here their thoughts as well when they first met her, which is why I was instantly curious with who she was and if she was gong to hurt my brothers. Yet, I found her to be a sweet girl that cared for our well being more so than what her so called boss thought. The way that she protected my friends and consoled them showed me that she was a sweet person. I know that the guys thought that she was good looking, but nothing could prepare me for the true beauty I saw in front of me almost an hour ago. Those stormy grey eyes, and how they grew soft when I was thanking her for helping us out. I wanted to reach out and touch her flawless face that seemed to glow as her red bangs framed it perfectly. 

 I sat there with my legs crossed, on the sand while I was waiting for to her return so I could continue my talk with her. Nothing about her was dull if anything I found everything about her to be interesting. From how her nose twitches sort of like a rabbits does, to her random thoughts when she freaks out. She amused me and interested me at the same time. Thoughts of her swirled in my head and I couldn't think about anything else, even about my current predicament. I guess I will have years to figure out what is really happening to me and why her image keeps playing in my head. 

~Ellie's POV~ 

It didn't take me long to pack up things I would need for my stay at the office. I packed about half my closet in two suitcase, I brought my electronics that would keep me busy when I am on break as well as their chargers, and of course i brought my toiletries because I know that I would want to take a shower everyday so that I wouldn't stink. I knew that I wouldn't be back for a while so I decided to clean out what little I had in the fridge so it wouldn't be rotten and gross when I was able to come back to my home. When my work was done I walked to my room to grab my two suitcases and backpack to take out to my Jeep Wrangler. I walked out my front door and down the couple of steps that lead to my driveway. The wheels of my suitcase could be heard as they rolled on the cement, making a clicking sound every time it hit a crack. I opened the back door on the drivers side of the car and placed my suitcases as well as backpack on the seat before shutting the door. I walked back into my house to grab something to eat for lunch, before locking my doors that won't be opened for a few months.

My house was nothing spectacular since I was the only person that lived in it, but it was still nice. I got in my car and started the engine with the turn of the keys. I put the car in reverse and slowly started to back out of the driveway. I was getting further away from my cute little light blue ranch, that I had lived in for a little more than a year now. I knew I was coming back to it later, but at this moment it was hard because if anything I would miss my comfy bed. I sighed as my jeep rolled down the street towards the exit of my development. I stopped at the stop light that was red waiting for the signal to go and leave this peaceful place. I lived in an older development that is about an hour away from the building I work at. This development has huge trees since they were planted a long time ago and were able to grow big and strong. I am not one of those major green life people, but I do enjoy sitting under a tree and enjoying the outdoors. 

I was almost to my little organized office when my phone started blaring part of the song Can't Hold Us by Macklemore. I stuck my hand into my jean pocket and pulled out my white IPhone 4 that had a picture of my best friend on the screen. My face lite up when I saw that my best friend in the whole wide world was calling me. I slid the lock button to answer the call, hopping she had some kind of news that she was coming back for another visit. 

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