At ease: Part 3

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Tris was finishing up her run with Christina. It felt good to get outside and let off steam. Tris had told Christina about the situation with Four and Eric. Needless to say, Christina was more on the Four side of things. She never did forgive Eric for hanging her off the chasm. After cleaning up in the locker room, Tris parted ways with Christina. Headed back to her apartment, she wondered what she should expect. Eric said that he would make her dinner as a thanks. When Four says he is making dinner he orders out from one of the restaurants in the pit. Tris had a feeling that Eric would be similar to Four in that way. She couldn't picture him cooking. As she pushed her door open she was assaulted with smells. Intrigued, she locked the door behind her and continued to investigate. Music was playing from a stereo that Tris had never seen. A slow deep based song played that just made you want to dance. In fact, as Tris rounded the corner, she saw Eric doing just that, slightly dancing with his back to her as he stood at the stove. Tris couldn't help the smile that appeared. This was the last thing she expected to come home to. Eric had on his black clothes still, but he had her dish towel slung over his shoulder and as his shoulders and head moved to the music.

"We will never be Royals, it don't run in our blood, that kind of lux just aint for us, we crave a different kind of buzz. Let me be your ruler, you can call me queen bee, and baby I'll rule, let me live my fantasy."

The song was catchy, however it soon changed. Eric turned around and spotted her. Tris could have sworn she saw a slight blush creep onto his face. Tris decided to take pity on him. She pointed to the stereo.

"Where did that come from?" Eric walked passed her with a pan full of amazing smelling meat. He set it on the table and answered.

"Jeremy. It was his, but his girlfriend hates him listening to music constantly, so he asked me if I wanted it so he didn't have to give it to someone random. If you want me to I can turn it off. I just always have something playing in the background. Silence bothers me."

"No, leave it on. I like it."

"Great, now that that is settled, let's eat. I'm starving." He put the last of the dishes on the table. Tris sat at her table for the first time. She looked at the odd array of food in front of her. Shredded cheese, a kind of chunky tomato sauce, and sour cream. She looked up at Eric. She was at a loss. Laughing he nodded his head.

"I had a feeling you haven't had these. I didn't make them spicy, but they can get as spicy as you want the next time. This is what you do." Eric proceeded to put a tortilla on her plate, spooned some meat on, and then did the same to his plate. "Now you can add whatever you want."

"But how do I know what to add?"

"Well you can make it like me first, than change it for the 2nd one to better suit your tastes..." She watched as he spooned on the sauce, salsa he called it, then cheese, then sour cream. Tris did the same, then looked down at the mass on her plate. When she glanced back up, Eric had his all wrapped up in some neat little bundle.

"What the hell? How did you do that??!" Tris asked. Eric laughed out loud. He tried to walk her through it, but Tris was getting frustrated. She pushed her plate at him. "You do it!" Shaking his head, he said, "Watch." Tris watched his hands as he folded the bottom up and the sides over each other. Once it was all neatly tucked together he handed it to her and pushed her plate back in front of her. "Ready?" He raised his taco, and they clicked them together and Tris took her first bit. She closed her eyes as flavors exploded on her tongue. She had never had anything like it before. She opened her eyes to find Eric staring at her. She couldn't help the blush that rushed to her cheeks.

"You like it? It's good right? You haven't lived till you have had tacos. They were my favorite growing up."

"These are amazing. I had no idea that you could cook."

"Cooking helps me unwind from the day. I enjoy it. But I don't get to do it often as I live alone. But I will make you a deal. As payment for letting me stay here, I will cook you dinner every night. " Tris wasn't about to argue that point. The food in the pit was never her favorite.

"Deal." She stuck out her hand and they shook on it. Tris tried to ignore the jolt that went through her hand at the contact.

The rest of the evening passed with companionable conversation. It was surprisingly easy to be around Eric when he was not at work. Never would she have thought he was so easy going. But the conversation was never forced. After dinner, they both cleaned up and Tris then explored Eric's books. Eric was sitting on the couch reading as Tris pulled a book of the shelf. It was titled "Ancient Chinese Dynasties". In fact most of the books that he had, had to do with some sort of history. Must be his erudite side. "Do you mind if I read this?" Tris asked. Eric looked up and smiled.

"Go ahead. It's a heavy read, but if you think our society is fucked up, you'll really enjoy that." Tris laughed and sat next to Eric and started to read. Before she knew it, it was almost 11:00 at night. Yawning, she stood up. Then it hit her. Where was Eric going to sleep. They had never covered that. Eric looked up at her. "Headed to bed?" All Tris could do was nod. Eric stood up and walked over to Tris's bedroom. Her heart was beating a million miles an hour. Dear God! He expected to sleep with her! Then Eric walked back out with a pillow and a blanket she had never seen. He set them on the couch and sat back down. "Good night Tris. And thanks again." Eric smiled and turned back to his book. Her heart rate was slowly returning to normal.

"Goodnight, and stop thanking me. I will see you in the morning." With that Tris walked into the bedroom and shut her door.

A few hours later Tris woke up. She walked out into the living room to go to the bathroom. She glanced over at Eric. He was asleep on the couch. Guilt washed over her. He looked incredibly uncomfortable. He barely fit laying down. He was scrunched up on his side and his knees were hanging off the couch. When she came out of the bathroom she had made up her mind. She walked over to Eric and gently shook his shoulder. His eyes popped open. "Come on," Tris held her hand out to him. He just stared at it for a minute before reacting. He slowly sat up and took her hand. He grabbed his pillow and they walked silently back to her room. All the while she was praying that this was not a mistake. Tris walked back to her side of the bed as Eric set his pillow down on the other side. He looked at her in the darkness.

"Are you sure you are ok with this?"

"Yes. We are just sleeping." With that Eric got into the bed. The unusual dip of the bed caused Tris's heart to flutter. What was she getting herself into?

"Night Tris. Thanks." Eric's sleepy voice came from across the bed.

"You're welcome." Tris whispered. She could already hear his steady breathing. He had fallen asleep. Tris closed her eyes.

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