Swapped and Confused

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"Hey, Phineas? Where do you keep the tools?" I asked after Phineas' mom went to hang the polaroid on her fridge and talk with Candace.
"Why?" He asked.
"I feel like sticking a hammer in my book bag, I don't know why." I shrugged.
"Really? I do that, too!" He said and pulled two hammers from a shelf.
"Thanks!" I said.

I saw Ferb observing us and I tilted my head in confusion. Was something wrong? He just shook his head and went to grab his book bag.

"Come on, kids! First day of high school! Don't want to be late!" Phineas' mom kissed me and Ferb's cheek and gently pushed us towards Candace's car.
"I'm giving you a ride before I head back to college. Be grateful." Candace said.

We nodded and climbed into her used mini-Van that her real dad got her, thinking it would be a great gift for his now nineteen year old daughter. Ferb sat up front with Candace while Buford and Baljeet clamored for the back seat.

"Wanna sit in the double seat with me, Izzy?" Phineas asked.
"You wanna sit...with me?" I asked.
"Yea. Why not?" He shrugged
"Ok!" I smiled.

I sat next to him. Well, me. Whatever. Technically, I was sitting next to him so I'll take what I could get.

It was still weird to hear him in my voice and body but whatever. If I missed hearing his voice or seeing the real him, I could just stare at a mirror and talk to myself. Which...sounded pretty pathetic.

"Ok, guys. Have a great first day of high school! Or whatever." Candace opened the auto door and we got out.

We looked at the school and exchanged nervous smiles.


So far, we'd gotten our schedules and we had almost all the same classes except when Phineas and Ferb had advanced inventors class for the last period while the rest of us had symphonic band. Not to be narcissistic or whatever but I was a great flute player. Buford was a pretty good drums player and Baljeet had managed his way with the trumpet.

"Um, Isabella?" Phineas asked, looking at his schedule.
"What?" I asked.
"You do realize that this is my schedule, right?" He said.
"Yea, so?" I said, not getting the point.
"I'm not Phineas. I'm you. Well, right now I am." He pointed out.

Oh, cheesetopia...

"Does that mean I have to take advanced inventors class?" I asked, worriedly.
"Don't worry, you'll be fine! You helped in all our summer projects and you're a Fireside Girl!" Phineas assured me.
"Ok...but what about you? You can't play flute." I said.
"Oh yea...can I see your flute?" He asked.

I pulled my beloved flute from my book bag and handed it to him. I also handed him my book bag. I don't know about Phineas but I sure didn't want his great reputation to be ruined just because I was carrying around my scrappy pink book bag with my notebooks covered with flowers.

"Hmm...mind if I make a few adjustments to this?" He asked.
"Um...d-don't break it."

Apart from my years and years of Phineas memorabilia and my Fireside Girl sash, that flute was my most prized possession.

"Of course not! Here, it'll just take a few seconds." Phineas said.

Ferb handed him a small screwdriver and a few nails and we watched as Phineas made some small and quick turns. A minute later, he was done. It looked the same but it must've been something because...it was Phineas.

He pressed a small button near the mouthpiece. "What song should I play?"
"Um...twinkle twinkle?" I suggested the most basic song.

He put his fingers on the right position and blew. We watched in amazement as all the right notes flew out of the flute. When the song was done, we clapped.

"Phineas, that was amazing!" Baljeet exclaimed in his squeaky voice.
"Not bad, dinnerbell. Ok come on, nerd. I don't care much but I know you don't want to be late for class." Buford said and dragged Baljeet away.

I heard a whistle and turned to see Django and Irving. They came over to us and Irving beamed at Phineas.

"That was some sweet playing, Isabella." Irving beamed.
Phineas didn't say anything until Ferb nudged him. "Oh, thanks, Irving!"

I watched Irving swish back his hair and smile, raising an eyebrow suggestively. I cringed. As if I didn't know that look. Irving and Django had the biggest crushes on me but at least Django had the decency to act like a gentleman and not like Irving, who thought he was some sort of playboy on the prowl.

"I really liked your playing, Isabella. It was nice." Django smiled, nervously.
"Thanks, Django." Phineas said.
"Would it be ok if I walked you to your class?" Django asked.
"Sorry, I'm walking with Is-Phineas and Ferb." Phineas said.
"Oh, uh, ok, t-that's ok. Um, see you." Django said.
"See you later, little missy." Irving winked.
Django groaned. "That was bad. Come on, Irving."

They walked away and Phineas shrugged. "What was that all about?"
"Django and Irving have crushes on me. Well, now you." I explained.
"They like you? Should I help them out? Which one do you like better?" Phineas asked.
"I don't want either-"
"Django is cool. He's really good in art and Irving...well Irving is Irving." Phineas interrupted me.
"But I just said-"
"Maybe I'll help you with Django. I don't really see you with Irving."
I caught his attention and he looked at me. "Is something the matter, Isabella?"
"Still oblivious as before." I muttered
"What?" He asked.
"Nothing. Never mind. Let's just go to class." I sighed.
"Great! We have Science 101 with...Mr. Doofenshmirtz." Phineas read from my schedule.
Ferb lit up. "Doofenshmirtz?"
"Yea! I didn't know you knew him, Ferb!" Phineas said.
"Something like that..." Ferb murmured.
"Come on, let's go." I said and headed off to class.

Hmm. My arm is itchy. I feel like...building...

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