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"Phinny! Did you install my tiny mirrors on my flute?"

Phineas sluggishly turned to Isabella. It had been a whole summer since she fell hopelessly in love with herself and she had gotten him to install mirrors everywhere she looked.

"Yea, I did," He said, handing her new and 'improved' flute.

"Thanks, Phin!" She blew him a kiss and sauntered off.

As Phineas started walking towards his mechanics class, a hand clamped on his shoulder. He was too tired to be startled and glanced back to see Ferb questioning his lack of optimism and drooping eye bags.

"Hey, Ferb," He muttered.

Ferb sighed, "Phin, you have to stop blaming yourself. It's not your fault you can't like her how she wants you to,"

Phineas flinched, "But I still feel guilty. I mean I went through it but I can't see her that way anymore... I mean... I know I could..."

"You feel like you could love her?"

"I mean...I know I care about her...I think I like her...I-I could learn to love her..."

Ferb shook his head, "Phineas, you don't learn, you just do. Besides, Isabella just happens to be light years ahead of you in her realization. Maybe things will change when we're all older, I don't know?"

Phineas stopped and stared a hole into the ground.

"Hey, many times has Isabella cried over me?"

He felt his brother flinch. Ferb paused for a second and then continued walking, determined not to answer that question.

"Hey, wait up!" Phineas followed him with wary curiosity.

Unfortunately for him, Ferb's legs were longer so he was able to take longer steps away from him. His step size was so big, Phineas had to jog to keep up with him.

"We're going to the same class where we work together!" Phineas called out in annoyance.

Phineas seemed to have an actual bad streak as the bell rang as soon as they entered the class.

"Hey, boys!" Their mechanics teacher, Mr. Hammer, greeted them.

Phineas wished hard for a free day which they usually seemed to have a day a week. He swore under his breath as Mr. Hammer assigned them cars to spruce up.

It was as if the universe didn't want him to know the answer.

"Ferb!" Phineas hissed. "You can't keep avoiding me!"

Ferb ignored him and went to work on a red Toyota with Baljeet and Buford.

Phineas groaned and went to work with Django and Irving. He had always wondered why they had taken the class since Django was always better with the arts and Irving with...well, he was good at computers which helped his stalker issues...

"Hey, Phineas!" They smiled at him and his lips strained to make a smile.

"So, um, you guys know that Izzy liked me, right?" He asked.

Django and Irving froze and shared a look. They looked like deer caught in headlights.

"Yes...?" Django finally said, slowly turning it into a question.

"So did she talk to you about her crush?"

"Oh, yea! All the time!" Irving said.

"So...did...did you know how many times she's...she's cried over me?" Phineas rushed. He immediately cringed and hoped that didn't sound as vain as it did.

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