Living A Lie

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"Ferb? Can I talk to you about something?"

Phineas ducked into his room and sat on his bed, nervously twiddling his fingers.

Ferb lifted his head slightly, his eyes still glued to his laptop with a brow cocked to show he was listening.

"Isabella told me she used love me before. What...what does it mean? To be in love...?"

Ferb snapped his laptop down and set it down to the side.

"There' one definition for love but I think love is when you put their needs before yours and that you love everything about them unconditionally. It's knowing you'd do anything for that person if it makes them happy. Even...even if you have to wait for them...forever..."

Phineas watched Ferb pour out his thoughts and watched as his wall was broken and raw emotions filled his eyes. He watched in amazement as pure adoration and sadness flowed in Ferb's smile.

Phineas felt the corners of his mouth curve up as he asked, "Is there someone you're in love with?"

Ferb looked at him with his small smile and rolled his eyes, "Forget me. Are you in love with Isabella?"

Phineas flinched and he blinked. He drummed his fingers on the bed and then felt his legs melt on to the floor and the rest of his body followed in exasperation. He sighed and hid his head in between his knees.

"How do I get rid of it?" He asked softly.

A few seconds passed before Ferb replied.

"You can't. Being in love isn't a choice. Being in forever."

Phineas groaned, "Why is this hard? Is this how she felt before?"

"Practically told me every second how in love she was with you," Ferb scoffed.

"Wait? If she was in love with me then shouldn't she still be in love with me? Didn't you say that being in love is forever?"

Ferb's face scrunched in confusion, "Yea...I mean that's how I always thought being in love was like...?"

Ferb sprang off his bed and grabbed his phone off the desk. He rushed out the door only to be back in a couple seconds but this time with the Yomo729 scanner in his hands.

"Hey! It's that-"

Ferb shut him up as he pointed it at him and a red light scanned over Phineas' body.

Beeps could be heard from Ferb's laptop and they both went to see what was happening.

A scan of Phineas popped up and this time, there were green dots around his chest area.

"What is that?" Phineas asked.

Ferb didn't answer. Instead, he grabbed his phone from the desk and dialed a number in.

"Ferb? Is something wrong? Who're you calling? What's the green stuff? Am I dying? Are you calling Izzy-"

"Phin, shut up," Ferb murmured and turned his attention back to his call.

Phineas heard someone answer and a tingle flushed through him as he identified it to be Isabella.

"Isabella, come here."

"Wait, what? Ferb-"

Ferb hung up.

"Hey, why'd you do that? She was still talking?" Phineas asked, mildly annoyed with Ferb.

Ferb sighed and shook his head and went back to his laptop to further inspect the scan.

The doorbell rang and Phineas lit up with excitement.

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