17: Confessions & Accomplishments

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I woke up with a pounding headache. I couldn't even fathom opening my eyes and being a productive member of society today. I knew my dad gave me the day off because he knew I would be jet lagged, or jet slagged like I usually referred to it, but I still had a lot of things I had planned to get done today.

I rubbed my eyes but still made no attempt to sit up in my bed. I had no idea what time it was, my blackout curtains always keeping it dark in my room. I reached for my phone that was resting on the bedside table, sitting next to an empty bottle of water.

It was in this moment that it all came flooding back to me. Louis breaking the news to me about Addison, me taking matters into my own hand with a glass of scotch. Better yet, multiple glasses of scotch.

She showed up at the bar out of nowhere. I don't even know how she knew I was there much less was completely inebriated. I had taken care of her once and it was nice to know that she was there to take care of me when I needed it as well.

Addison. I slowly leaned over my shoulder and looked the empty spot on the bed next to me. Memories flashed back in my brain of me begging her to stay the night. I was pretty sure that she had said she would, I remember falling asleep so content, knowing she was right there lying with me. I've had a few girls stay the night here before and sometimes they were gone by morning. I usually wasn't too fazed by it but this time it was disappointing.

My thoughts were running rampant when I heard a crash in the kitchen. It sounded like someone had dropped something out a cabinet maybe. My heart picked up its pace at the thought of being made breakfast by Addison.

I pulled the covers off of me and threw my legs over the edge of the bed. I realized I was only in boxers, which is how I slept when I was by myself. I pulled on the closest pair of sweats I saw, not wanting to scare her away much more than I probably already have. I started for the kitchen, excitement brimming inside me only to be let down at what I found.

Louis was bent down picking up a bunch of cups that he had knocked out of the cabinet and onto the ground, cursing amongst himself while doing so. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"What? I live here mate, what are you on about?" He set he last cup from the ground into the sink and walked over the kitchen table, taking a seat. He was waiting for me to explain further, folding his hands in his lap and looking at me expectedly.

I knew he wanted an explanation for last night too. I have a faint memory of handing my phone over to Niall when he said he refused to send me home alone. I knew he called Louis, against my will, the last time I had seen Louis I was running out on him and Sutton.

"When did you get back here? Was Addison here?" I knew he wanted answers but so did I. I wasn't worried about him right now.

"She came back to the girls' apartment late last night, or should I say early this morning." He raised an eyebrow at me, coaxing me to enlighten him on why I was so concerned about this.

"Okay, I'm going to go over there I'll be back later."

"Whoa hold on, she went to work this morning man. It's Monday after all." I was growing more and more annoyed with this scenario I found myself in. I felt like I was constantly running after her and it was beginning to make me lose my sanity. Every time I was ready to give up she would do things like she did last night, coming to the bar to make sure I was all right and taking me home. She was the most confusing girl I had ever liked. There, I said it.

I like Addison. I really like Addison.

I was going to ask Louis where she worked but I didn't think he would know. I had to tell her how I feel. I had to put it all out there so that she could either make me the happiest guy out there and accept my feelings, or crush me with her persistent rejection. I hated that I was giving her this much power over me but at this point it seemed out of my control.

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