35: Bad Moms & Fuck It Moments

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I hadn't been to the gym in far too long. I was exhausted after the first thirty minutes but was determined to make it another thirty before I allowed myself to even think about leaving. To my surprise, I made it another forty-five.

I decided I was pleased with this and judging by how fatigued my body was at this point I knew it would be best to call it quits here. I already knew I was going to be sore as hell tomorrow but I was ready to embrace that. I sort of liked the feeling of sore muscles because it meant I was moving them sufficiently. I also knew I was going to sleep really well tonight after exhausting myself here.

I needed to get all the sleep I could before I left for London. The time change always fucks me up and I know right when I get on a decent schedule I'll be back on my way to New York and have to readjust all over again.

I wiped the sweat from my face with my towel, picking up my water bottle and chugging what remained in it. I sat down on the bench for a second, letting myself rest and finish cooling down. I wanted to shower at my own place but I decided it would be best to shower here. I grabbed my bag and headed for the bathroom.

I set my bag on the counter next to my shower stall and turned on the water, allowing it to heat up before I fully submerged myself in it. I reached my hand out to make sure it was warm enough for my liking and stepped under the showerhead. The warm water felt so good on my tired muscles and I relaxed as the water ran down my body.

I had cleaned my body and was moving onto my hair when my phone started ringing. I was going to just let it go to voicemail but something told me I should at least see who was calling.

I rinsed my hair the best I could manage in a hurry and stepped out, grabbing my towel and wrapping it around my hips. For the most part I was still soaking wet and I knew I was getting the floor all wet too. I reached into my bag, pulling out my phone and turning it over so that the screen was face up.

"Hello?" I answered with a smile on my face. I had wanted to talk to her all day but I knew she was busy so I left it at a couple text messages and was waiting for her to get back to me.

"Harry?" Her voice was shaky and she sounded very flustered.

"Yes... Addison, are you okay?" I shook my hair out in attempt to dry it a bit.

"I-I don't know. I mean yeah. Are you home? I want to see you." Something was definitely wrong and I could hear her breathing rapidly on the other end of the line.

"Babe, what's going on? I'm at the gym but I'm leaving now for home. You can come over to mine or I can come to yours." I put her on speaker and set my phone on the counter. I pulled my shorts out of my gym bag and put them on, along with my shirt.

"Are you still there?" I was getting worried when she hadn't spoken up again.

"Yeah, sorry. I'm trying to figure out which subway to take to your house." I guess that answered my previous question. I threw my bag over my shoulder and headed out of the bathroom.

"I'm on my way home now. I should beat you there." I wanted to ask her again what was wrong but I figured if she wanted to talk about it she would have told me already.

"Okay, I'll see you soon." I couldn't tell if she crying already or trying not to cry but I wasn't looking forward to her crying in my company. Not because I didn't want to be there for her but because it would break my heart to see her hurting.

I was only home for about five minutes before I heard a knock on the door. I hurried to the door, taking a deep breath before I opened.

"Hey." I said softly. I only had the door open for a second before she was in my embrace, her arms wrapped tightly around my abdomen. We stayed like this for quite some time. I didn't want to be the one that pulled back first, clearly she needed a moment. I held her until she began to stir in my arms.

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