23: Four A.M. Texts & Older Brothers

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This chapter has a lot of background on Addie and why she is the way she is. The picture for the chapter is of Addie and Ollie. Enjoy and please don't forget to comment/vote/share. I want to know what you guys think about the story!

You know when you are completely exhausted and you can't wait to get in your bed and finally be able to fall asleep? And when the opportunity arises you can't seem to drift away from reality? That's me right now. I found myself reflecting on the day instead.

I had a nice dinner with Sutton where I filled her in on my day with Harry post Empire State Building. She ooh'd and ahh'd all throughout the story and squealed a little when I told her how I manned up and held his hand on the way to the coffee shop. She kept making comments about how cute we looked together but I had to remind her multiple times that she was getting a little ahead of herself.

Regardless, I found myself giggling like a schoolgirl while telling the story. My feelings for Harry were growing the more time we spent together and it sort of worried me. I wasn't good with handling things like this in the past. But on the other hand, it excited me. I couldn't wait to find out more about him. It was like now that I was getting a little taste of being around him, I had to have more.

On the way back from dinner I was practically falling asleep in the cab. I couldn't wait to get back home after such a full day. As soon as we got home, I let us inside before telling Sutton goodnight and heading to my room. I took a long hot shower and put on something to sleep in before crawling under my sheets.

I expected to fall asleep right away but here I was, a few hours and countless episodes of Gossip Girl later, still partially awake. I was dancing on the line of conscious and unconscious when my phone vibrated and lit up on my bedside table. I don't know who could be texting me right now. I knew it was late but I wasn't sure exactly how late, I wouldn't allow myself to look at the time because I knew I would regret it.

I closed my laptop and decided it would be in my best interest to fully attempt to get some sleep. I closed my eyes and laid in complete darkness for a few minutes. I wasn't sure how much time had passed but the unknown late night text on my phone was eating away it me. Maybe it was important. Maybe I should check just to make sure...

I rolled over and propped myself up, using my elbow for support. I reached for my phone and unplugged it from the charger before rolling back into the position I was previously in. My eyes had trouble adjusting to the light of my phone screen and I cursed myself for keeping my backlight so bright.

I internally screamed at the fact that it was four twenty in the morning but this wasn't necessarily new for me. I had this reoccurring problem where I would find myself still awake at three and four in the morning begging sleep to come.

I almost literally screamed aloud when I read the text on my phone. It was from Harry.

"It's four a.m. and I can't sleep."

I was debating on whether or not to reply now or in the morning but obviously he was having trouble sleeping and so was I. I figured it couldn't hurt to text back now, seeing as I probably wouldn't be asleep any time soon anyway. But what should I say... I wasn't sure. I knew I was thinking about it too much so I just went with my first thought.

To Harry: Regretting that coffee right about now?

I pulled the covers up under my chin and wrapped myself up into a human cocoon. I always slept this way when I slept alone, which was most of the time, and I was hoping sleep would find me soon. I wondered if he was still awake and suffering the four a.m. blues like I was. I got my answer when my phone vibrated again beside me. I swiped my thumb across the screen to unlock it and opening his message. A smile arose on my face when I read his response.

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