20: Wine Nights & Drunk Dials

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We had been texting on and off all week, Harry and I. Our conversations were light and filled with random topics. He even told me a few terrible jokes that I shouldn't have laughed at but I couldn't hold back my giggles. I couldn't lie; I was having fun talking to him. I hadn't been bored with the conversation once and I caught myself checking my phone more often than I usually would.

Harry's first text interrupted a conversation with Mason that I hadn't been able to finish. I tried each day this week to bring it up to him but he seemed way better than that day he came in late and he was acting like himself again. I decided it would be best to just drop it. I didn't want to bring it back up if it was nothing and honestly I wasn't sure if it was something after all.

It was Friday and I was so excited. Sutton and I had a movie night planned for tonight that was sure to be full of pizza, candy, and wine. We had spent a lot of time together this week and I was glad. Louis worked a lot this week so my best friend was almost all mine. I was surprised that she didn't have plans with him tonight either but I didn't question it. Girl time was always needed so it would work out in my favor.

I hopped in the elevator at five o'clock on the dot and made my way down to the first floor. It was a rainy day in the city so I pulled my umbrella out of my purse and opened it up before heading to Madison Square Garden to meet Sutton.

We stopped at a Duane Reade on the walk home to pick up the necessities for tonight and we couldn't agree on what wine to get. Typical.

"I want white."

"I've really been into red lately though!" I countered. I knew this argument would end in us each getting our own bottle. This was both good and bad. Good because we each got what we wanted but bad because we would each have our own bottle and would be bound to finish it all. Wine always had a habit of sneaking up on us, leaving us both absolutely wasted.

"Fine then, you get red and I'll get white. It's decided." Yep, that's what I figured would happen.

I laughed, grabbing the bottle that I wanted off of the shelf before heading to the candy aisle. I was really craving something sour so I picked up a box of sour watermelons. Sutton grabbed a giant chocolate bar and we left the aisle, deciding it be best to stop while we're ahead. We checked out and were on our way to our apartment, excited for the festivities of tonight to begin.

The first thing Sutton and I did once we got home was put the wine in the freezer so it could chill for a little while. We changed out of our work clothes and into baggy t-shirts and comfy shorts. Our shirts were covering our shorts and most of our legs and our hair was thrown up in messy buns atop our heads. We looked pretty ridiculous but to us this was the definition of comfortable.

We decided to watch Trainwreck because neither of us had seen it yet and we heard it was hilarious. I love Amy Schumer so I knew I wouldn't be disappointed. Sutton was putting the movie on while I popped us some popcorn in the kitchen.

"Don't forget the wine!" She shouted from the couch, causing me to break out in laughter.

I grabbed two wine glasses out of the cabinet and filled them both up to the brim. Once the popcorn was ready, I put it into a bowl for the both of us to share and attempted to carry all three items into the living room. Luckily, I was successful in not spilling any wine or popcorn. I ran to my room to get my favorite blanket off of my bed before settling onto the couch next to my best friend. The movie started and right off the bat we were in hysterics.

I wasn't sure what it was that made me think of him but I found myself wondering how Harry was spending his Friday night. Maybe it was the wine. Yeah, I'm gonna go with that. I thought about him long enough to realize that it had been a few hours since I had spoken to him. I shook my head, as if this would clear my thoughts, and took a large gulp of my wine.

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