6: Home-Bilbo/Thorin

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A/N: IMPORTANT!!!!! In this fic Thorin is in it and tries to make the reader feel better, but it is mostly just Bilbo. Therefore, if you don't like Thorin NOT shown in the best of light, then move on!
Warnings: Homesickness i guess idk

The heavy feeling of sadness had descended on your brain and you didn't know what for. Perhaps it was this journey that you had been brave enough to go on. Yes, it was most definitely the fact that you had been away from home for quite some time. The dwarves were nice enough, but not as nice as your warm home in Lòthlorien. You were a scribe for Lady Galadriel.
Now all you wanted was a nice warm bed and not the hard cot of who knew what.
"Y/N," a sweet comforting voice snapped you out of your thoughts. You looked up to see a worried Hobbit.
"Bilbo," you replied, scooting over so we could sit next to you on your 'bed'. "Was there something you needed?"
"Oh, yes, well, you just seemed a little down and I was wondering if you just needed to talk to someone. I know it helps me." Bilbo sat down next to you. "That's probably why I'm so uptight. I live alone." A smile appeared on his face, but you could tell it was forced.
"Thanks, Bilbo, but unless you can get me back to Lothlorien, then there's nothing to be helped." You sighed, resting your elbow on your crossed legs and lazily placing your head in your hand.
"You're feeling homesick?" Bilbo questioned seriously. A queer hobbit, he was.
"Yes, it would seem so," you looked at him then back to the dusty ground.
"Actually, I miss the Shire," Bilbo huffed. "I haven't had a proper sleep for sometime now."
"You and me both, Master Baggins."
"You would like the Shire. Its calm. The trees all dance peacefully when the wind blows. The grass is the most lush shade of green you could ever imagine. And all the different color doors leading into different hillsides. Oh, and the lake! In winter, when it freezes over, the children play on it. Even in winter, it really is a sight. I wish I was there," Bilbo described the Shire in such a way that you could almost picture it.
"The Shire seems like a beautiful place, Bilbo. You must like living there," You guessed.
"Maybe, after this is all over, you would like to see it?" He looked reluctantly at you.
"Oh, Bilbo, I'd love to see your quaint little town," you exclaimed cheerfully.
"Terrific!" Bilbo laughed. "Now tell me about Lothlorien."
The two of you talked about the scenery of your origins and all the memories that came from the beautiful places.
Thorin overheard all of it. He sat in the bushes, listening intently. Bilbo was earning another part of your affection. The company all could see that himself and Bilbo had feelings for the she-elf. Only Y/N always had her nose tucked in the ink-scented pages of various books. It was one thing the Company would tease her about. How she could read and ride a horse at the same time was beyond them.
That was it, Thorin would tell you about Erebor in the morning, he wanted to show you just how beautiful his home was.
Thorin stood carefully, making sure not to make noise.
The last thing he heard out of the two if you was you asking Bilbo to move his bedding closer to yours for the night.
-In the Morning-
Y/N sat down by the long-burnt-out fire pit. Her bowl was empty. The Company hadn't had anything to eat since Y/N's magical elf bread supply ran out.
Thorin walked over and sat down next to her. Thorin and Y/N were the only ones up.
"Hey, you okay?" Thorin mustered. How was he supposed to pull this off. He had rehearsed time and time again, but it never came correctly.
"Yes, and why would the great Thorin Oakenshield care if a simple Lothlorien scribe is okay?" You looked over to Thorin curiously.
"Well, I know what it's like to be away from home for a long time," Thorin started.
"Yeah, I guess you would know more than any of us," it sounded sarcastic, but Thorin knew you were being sincere.
"Would you like to hear about Erebor? A beautiful place it was," Thorin asked.
"Why not?" You shuffled to get comfortable so that you could listen to what Thorin was about to say.
Thorin explained Erebor's magnanimous magnificence in great detail. He explained how the walkways stretched across an open crevice. The dwarves mined the walls of the glorious space. Then Thorin explained how Smaug had disrupted the power that had radiated from the very heart of Erebor.
By the time he finished, Bilbo had woken up and had grumpily started to prepare to fetch water from a nearby stream.
It was funny, Bilbo and Thorin always competed for your affections. They thought you were oblivious to everything except the inky pages of your books. How mistaken they were. The queer hobbit, overly-proud dwarf and a simple Lothlorien scribe. The thought was quite queer, but it made you smile still.

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