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The next morning I awoke to the bright sunlight streaming in through my blinds. I got up out of bed and sleepily walked downstairs. I took the short cut through the dining room into the kitchen to see my dad sat with the morning paper and a cup of coffee in his hand and my mum with a mug of tea in hers.

"Good morning," my dad said peeking over his paper then taking a sip of his coffee.

"Morning," I said quizzically. I stared at each of them with a questioning look. They should be at work right now, not having tea and coffee and reading the paper in the dining room.

As if she read my mind, my mum said, "We both switched times with people at work so we could go in later."

I nodded and went to the kitchen to put the kettle on for some tea. While I sat around waiting for the water, my mum came into the kitchen and put her mug next to the sink. Then my dad came in shortly after and did the same.

"Nikki," my mum said, "we have your graduation gift." My dad handed me a small rectangular envelope that said 'Congratulations Nichole' on the front in black ink. I tucked my finger into the envelope and pulled out the un-sealed flap.

Inside there was a small silver key and a check for £3500. "A key? What's this for?" I asked.

My mum and dad smiled at me then my mum said, "It's for your flat in London."

"My what?" I asked just to make sure I heard her right.

"We got you a flat in London sweetie," my dad said this time, pulling my mum into a side hug.

"Oh my gosh! I have a flat in London!" I pretty much screamed as I jumped up and down. I ran over and hugged my parents. "Thank you so much!" I said excitedly. I squealed.

"And the money is for your birthday. We thought it would be good for you to have some extra cash for when you moved," my mum added as I ran around spazzing out about my flat.

I had my own flat in London! My very own flat where I could live on my own. Not that I didn't like living at home. What would Nathan think? "Oh my gosh, I have to call Nathan!" I exclaimed as I ran to the kitchen for my phone.

"I think you should wait till he calls dear," my mum yelled from the dining room.

"Why?" I asked walking over to her.

"I just think you should wait," she gave me a knowing-smile. I knew there was something she wasn't telling me. So I just sat and waited for him to call like she told me.

I drank my tea after re-heating it while I waited, staring at my phone, willing for him to call. I finished my tea, looked down at my phone again, then got up and put my mug on the counter. Just as I did that my phone started going off. Figures.

I ran over to the table and hit the answer button without looking at who was calling. "Hello," I said.

"Nikki, guess what," I could hear Nathan say from the other end. He sounded super excited.

"No, you guess what," I said in response with just as much enthusiasm.

"What?" he asked.

"My parents got me a flat in London!" I yelled into my phone.

"Really! Because my parents got me one too!" he yelled back.

"Oh my gosh, really?" I asked jumping up and down.

My parents laughed at me and my mum said, "You guys are neighbors, hun."

"Nathan, we're neighbors!" I yelled.

"We are?" he yelled back.


"Woah!" he yelled back excitedly.

After Nathan and I calmed down a bit, I asked him to come over so we could talk. I'd never seen that boy move so fast. He must have literally ran over to my house because he was over in what seemed like seconds.

We started talking right away about how excited we were that we would actually be real neighbors for once.

"Bye, sweetie," my mum said as she waved goodbye leaving for work.

"You are able to move in tomorrow," my dad said. "And a moving truck is coming in the morning, so you'd better start packing." he added as he kissed my head and followed my mum out the door off to work.

Nathan went home to pack, so I went up to my room to do the same. I grabbed my suitcase and started to fill it with clothes. I decided that I should leave some things I don't wear much for when I come and stay here.

When you are moving, you go through your room so you could bet that I found tons of stuff. I found old toys, and things I lost, but I mainly found things that brought back wonderful old memories. I found some pictures of Nathan and I that never made it to the memory wall. I found a rock that we painted. I found sea shells from the times we went to the beach. I found so much and everything made me smile. I'm finally going to be living next to my best friend, in London, where I've always wanted to live I thought to myself. What a great way to start my life outside of school.

Later that night, when I was done packing, I gave Nathan a call asking him if he wanted to come over and have a movie night. He was done packing as well, amazingly, so he came over.

I ordered a pizza while Nathan dug around for a film. He finally decided on one after a full twenty minutes of choosing. Man that boy is indecisive. Except when it comes to tea, which he immediately asked me to make him when I put the phone down from ordering the pizza.

"You are obsessed," I said as I handed him his cup of tea.

"I just like tea," he said taking a sip.

"No, you depend on that stuff. You'd die without it," I said laughing.

He shook his head and said, "Nu-uh!"

"Uh, yeah," I said back, nodding. Nathan set down his tea an ran over to me and tackled me to the floor and began tickling me. I was in a fit of giggles and was laughing do hard I couldn't tell him to stop. He sat on top of me and tickled me up and down my sides.

I finally stopped laughing enough to choke out some words. "Nath, stop!" I said between giggles.

"Never!" he said laughing at me. "Not till you say that I don't depend on tea."

"I'll never say it!" I exclaimed as he continued to attack me with tickles.

"Say it!" he said as he tickled me harder.

"Fine! You don't depend on tea!" I said finally giving in. He finally stopped and got off of me. He then reached down to help me up off the floor. I grabbed his extended hand and he pulled me up.

I hugged him tightly, "You are the best friend ever," I said as the doorbell rang. "Even though you depend way too much on tea," I mumbled as I ran to answer the door.

"Hey!" he yelled and chased after me. I laughed as I opened to door and paid for the pizza.

Now that Nathan's urge to tickle me had subsided, we sat down next to each other on the couch and grabbed a slice of pizza as the film started.

A/N -

Sorry this chapter was sorta a filler, but its important to the story. What do you think will happen next? Do you guys like it so far? I would love some feedback! Thank you so much for reading! Comment, vote, share, fan! :)

- Cass ❤

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