Little Kittens

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Kittens! I looked closely at them. Two cute little black kittens. Beside them was a note.

My dearest Kylie,

These kittens remind of Chairman Meow. He's my cat. Now make yourself look pretty although being your father I am obligated to say you already are. Wear the black ball gown and crown I gave you and be at the Pandemonium by 7.

Your Father

I grabbed a towel and hopped in the shower. I got a couple hours so why not. After getting out of the shower, I did my makeup and hair. Nothing too fancy but fancy enough to go with my ball gown. After I finished my hair, I looked at myself in the mirror. Maryse said I looked just like Magnus. I guess I wouldn't know since I have never met the guy. After makeup and hair I looked at the clock. 6:30. I slipped on my ball gown and some diamond pumps. I debated on grabbing the crown. I'm dressed like a princess already so why not. I carefully slid the crown in my hair and I was still debating on actually wearing it. I'll text Alec and ask.

Me - Should I wear the crown or not?

Papa - Yes, your father wants you to.

After reading the text, I adjusted the crown and left the house, locking the front door after I shut it. I started walking to the Pandemonium all alone afraid that someone would hurt me. Eventually I made it safe. I checked my phone. 6:59. Okay just walk in, Kylie. It took almost everything to walk in those doors but once I did, I saw and amazing sight. My friends and family everywhere and there was one of those cheesy banners above the DJ saying:

Happy Birthday, Kylie Amanda Bane - Lightwood

I almost started crying. Everyone turned to look at me and smiled. Applause eventually erupted. They were all here for my birthday. At the couch in the back sat Alec and the man from earlier. Alec was smiling and the man looked nervous. They both stood up and walked to me.

"Kylie, you look great." Alec said. I thanked him. "Kylie, I would like you to meet the love of my life, Magnus Bane."

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