Chapter 4

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a/; shawn's picture...

*-*-*-----*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*--*-*-**-*-*-*-*-*-*--he's leading me to my room , i hate this feeling, its so awkward.
"ouch"- i protest when he suddenly stop infront of an oak door,
" tsk.. this is your room for now"- he opens the door, and you wont believe whats inside,
"are you going to punish me??"-i ask him with an irritable look,

" nahuh, thats your room, you dont deserve any special treatment"

" special treatment?? do you think i ask for a special treatment?? i just ask you to have a decent room for me so
that i can sleep every night, how could you, i am new in this situation."- i cant believe this..

he just shrug and said " you want to have a room?? then clean this up, i dont care, just hurry, we need to practice"

" for what??"

" stupid! for your fight! you want to avenge your parents right?? so, if you dont want, fine.. i gotta go"- he turn around and about to leave..

" wait, ., uhm.. okay, l-lets tr-ain"- why am i even stuterring??

" ok.. 3;00 am tomorrow" he said before leaving..
okay, 3;00 am,..
i entered my room, nah, i dont know how to clean. nevermind..


knock knock...

i woke up when i heard a knock.. i took my cellphone and look at the time..
urrrgggg, its 2:59 in the morning..., im still sleepy, i'm going to kill that bastard who woke me up and i dont care if it is a girl or a boy, he or she disturb my dream..

" who the hell are you to wake me up this earl---" i open my door while talking and suddenly stop when i saw who's behind this goddamn door.. " you jerk, you woke me up, im still sleepy. go back to your slumber" - i added..

" prepare for the training in 10 minutes.."- he said .

" what fo------ oohhhh,yah, i have training with this jerk.. great.."- said with a sarcastic tone...


we're here in the battle ground, suffering.. nah, i'm here to train..

" lets start, i need you to practice the simple attack, it is called a fish hook"

" fish hook?? as in fish??" - i ask him but he just ignored me..and continue demonstrating.. i stared at him.. sky was a very attractive person that every girl wants to be his girlfriend. His blond hair, kissable lips, perfect face. Majority of the hunters are good looking but sky is perfect. His facial features were those of a model and no one could get sick of looking at him.

" when a target is facing away, reach around and slip a finger into his or her cheeks and pull hard, like this (demonstrating).. this allow you to control your opponents head to a degree, it can incite panic and hurt. You should be careful to avoid the enemy's teeth since this can backfire quickly, understand??"

" huh?"

" you're not listening, and i know that im handsome so no need to stare at me ..."- he said while smirking..

" assuming"

" tsk, next is the nutrocracker choke, the named choke involves grabbing the sides or rear of your opponents collar before pulling the hands into the center and crushing adam's apple with the knuckles of your index finger . the tightend collar keeps the opponent from squirming away.. DO NOT choke them to death or else you will be punish by death also."

" ok, easy as that.. i'm not a murderer.."

"good, next is the ax stomp.. the ax stomp is a backward swing. this allows the power of the strike to be concentrated in the heel. To add more power, slightly bend the knee of the nonstriking leg to gain more downward momentum."

" uhmmm.. excuse me.. i'm hungry can we s-----" before i could finish my sentence, he interupt me,. jerk..

" no.. you also need to learn the throat punch"---- blah blah blah.. i dont want to listen.. that jerk, he wouldnt allow me to eat.. im tired now.. even if im just sitting here while he talks and talks and demonstrate and talks again..
when will i eat a salad again?? thats my favorite, those yummy fruits.. tsk...

" ouchhhh"- i protest when he pinch my nose and it stop me from my reverie..

" as i said, listen to me"- he said while hes not let go of my nose.. damn...

" get your hands off me you jerk.. ouch ouch ouch.."

" promise me to sit there and just listen.."

" ouch.. fine.. promise. i will" - i said and raise my right hand..

" ok." - he let go of my nose and continue lecturing... " where are we?? ahuh.. the throat punch isnt just a common internet joke. the general warrior said that the throat is a good target for the lead hand punches, rear hand punches and uppercuts.. A good punch to the throat can crush the wind pipe and even a modest hit is going to hurt and throw the opponent off balance.".

" ok.. can we at least take a break??"- i pleaded him..

" fine, take 20 minutes break.. "

" yay, thanks" and because of the sudden yes.. i hug him

" hmm.. you can back off now.."

" ay.. ok sorry.."- i said then turn and left.. hoooo that was close..

the longest update.. hahahaha finally i survive this chapter..

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until next time..

-chin.. :)

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