Chapter 5

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a/n: winter's picture..


" your fight starts at 8:00 pm this night. Get ready and i hope you did listen to me.."- sky's said..

" WHAT? this night?? you didn't tell me about that. i thought tomorrow or the other day."

" tsk.. lets go, i have something to show you"- he said..

that jerk.. hmmp.. i followed him to i dont know where..

" this is the armory room. i've got a message from the leader of the council, they changed something about the battle.. your opponent is one of the ranking student. No one dares to fight her.. so i hope you will leave that arena with a whole body and alive..."

"hehehe.. who is she??"- i ask him nerviously..

" Camille... before i forgot, your fight is a sword fight ... so choose which sword do you want".

the swords are amazing. Different kinds, every sword have different symbol. I choose the silver sword with a mark of a lion and a tiger..

" i choose this"- i raise the sword.. he look at me.. shocked writtten on his face.. whats wrong with him??

" where did you get that??"- he ask me..

" in the corner, there.. It fits me well, and i think, they made this sword for me. i just feel it."

" that sword is just a legendary or a myth. I didn't expect that it is true.. It is called hunters sword and only charlie hunter owns it but when charlie died,No one knows where it is for almost a century. According to the masters. the sword only shows itself to the person where it belonged .. and stupid, your lucky ... it chooses you.."

" dont call me stupid.. well, the symbol, what does it mean??"

" the lion symbolized the authority, power like the lion in the jungle. and the tiger represents strong, fast , intimidating and brave. Everyone want that sword for the power.. "

"even you??"

"nope.. hey stupid, be careful for holding it because its a double-blade sword.."

" i know.. i'm not that stupid..How am i going to fight with this sword??"

" we need to practise. 8 hours left to practise.. lets go.."

we're heading towards the battle field when he turned left..

" hey jerk. Thats not the way to the battle field"- i protest..

" we are not going to train there.."

" and why is that"

" too much question. Just follow me quickly.."

" fine.."

We reach the forest,

then corn field,


and finally were at the top of the mountain..

" so what now??"- i ask him tiredly..

" rest for 5 munites.."- i heard him say.. i dont want to argue anymore..

the place is so refreshing.. You can see flowers everywhere. I hope after this i can come here again..

"hey jerk, what is this place?? "- i ask him curiously.

" i found this place when i encountered a vampires in the forest and followed them until they were out of sight. I saw this place.. after that day, i came here to practice, to have peace and also to think when i sometimes being irrational."-he replied while closing his eyes and lay beside me..

" i never thought you have that kind of attitude, i mean, your a jerk, a baddass but when i saw what you are this day, i remember what my mother said that dont judge the book by it's cover... Your handsome yeah, and by the way, dont be so full of yourself, i mean.. yes, many girls head over heels of you and i'm not one of them.yes.. i mean.... nah nevermind"-i said but he just chuckle and i think i like him.. wait??? what?? dont misinterpret it, i just like him as a friend,, yes friend thats all.

'why so deffensive?' my other side of the brain said..

'shut up' - replied..

" ok.. enough of this talking, lets get back to training.."- he said,

" ok."..

HuntersTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon