Chapter Three

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My mind is groggy and I feel like  I have been carrying around a large bag filled with bricks. Everything aches.

My back, my shoulders, my arms, thighs, feet; everything.

I open my eyes and am met with bright light shining in through the curtains. I usually am happy to see the sun pouring through, but today I just want to stay in bed all day and hide under the covers. I guess it's one of those days. At least I don't have to go to work feeling like this.

One question: Why the hell do I feel like this?

Letting out a scoff, I decide to finally get out of my bed. As soon as I do, all I want to do is to crawl back in. My legs ache as I walk towards the window, but I ignore it and hope that it goes away soon.

Reaching my window, I open the curtains a bit more letting myself get used to the light. As I stare out, I feel my eyes burn and I have to close them quickly before I start tearing up. When I open them again, I am a bit more used to it.

Now, I focus on the warmth coming from it. I let it soak into my skin and even though all I want is darkness right now, I find comfort in it and enjoy it. I close my eyes in contempt, feeling a little more relaxed.

With my aches and pains, I decide to go get some tea and take some Tylenol.

Tea is my go-to comfort drink. I absolutely despise the taste of coffee. It doesn't matter how much cream or sugar I put in it, it still tastes bitter and gross to me. Tea is something I have always loved. As a kid I fell in love with the taste of lemon tea with honey and as I grew up, I expanded that into many more kinds.

I put a mug of water in the microwave and let it heat up. Searching my cupboards, I have a hard time deciding which kind I want.

Alpine Punch, Mango Madness, or Lemon with some honey? I weigh my options and decide to go with the lemon, just as the microwave beeps.

I put the lemon in, wait for it to steep, and put a little bit of honey in it. I take a tiny sip, being careful to not burn my tongue. I grab some water from the tap and swallow two Tylenol, hoping that the aching will go away.

As much as I love where I work and who I work with, I am always glad that I get the weekends off--especially today since I feel like this.

Grabbing my tea off the counter, I head over to the living room.

I set my mug down on the coffee table and switch the TV on. I turn it on to the local news channel to see if there's anything going on this weekend.

A sketch of a wolf appears on the screen for a split second before I see an older lady talking on the screen.

"It was rather large; big and black. I have never seen anything like it. I was sitting on my front porch this morning and there it came, peaking out of the trees. I wouldn't have noticed it had my little Lexi not growled." She crouches down beside her little dog--which I assume to be Lexi.

The reporter standing beside her asks the woman,

"Do you see wolves around here often? Do you think that if there is more, they could be a threat to the locals?"

"No, no. Wolves are known to be much further away from here. Chances are there is only one who wandered away from its pack. But if there is more, everyone needs to be wary and on high-alert at all times. I was lucky that I saw it, or I wouldn't be talking to you guys right now." The lady replies.

"Well, there you have it. Please be cautious at all times. Police and animal control advise people to at all times have a cell-phone on them, or let someone know where you are at all times. Animal control is on the look-out for the wolf and will hopefully bring it in so there is no more danger to us. If you see the animal, please call animal control with any information. You heard it here first, this is Casey Lore reporting."

Drops of CrimsonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon