Chapter Five

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The eyes glisten against the animals dark frame, its head tilting towards the moon, but not howling. I have to close my eyes and take a deep breath so I don't freak out. Seeing one in the car is different. But now, it is right here. I can't tell if it is the same wolf that I saw on the highway, or the one they were able to capture for a little while--I don't know which is worse. The one that was caged for a little while is probably angry and on a rampage from being captured. On the other hand, the wolf that I saw could be killing silently, or waiting for the right time to strike.

Its head jerks towards the forest and darts back into the trees without a glance my way and disappears out of sight. It's like they are attracted to me like a magnet. Maybe it followed the scent on my car?

I close my curtains more hastily than needed and go and sit on my bed. I cuddle up beneath the covers and grab a book from my bedside table and start reading it. It doesn't take long before I start feeling tired and my eyes start to burn with exhaustion. Putting my book down I get up and turn out my light and I fall into a peaceful sleep.

When I wake, there is sun beaming in through the curtains and I happily get up with ease.

For the rest of the week I go to work and try to forget about the wolf, only, it continues to burn in the back of my mind every day.

"Got any plans tonight?" Iris asks me while typing something onto the computer. We haven't gotten any information about the painting all week and since it is already Friday, I'm sure we won't.

"Not really... Although--" I trail off. I could text Rosalynn and see what she is up to.

"On second thought, I might," I say grabbing my phone out. Before I text Rosalynn, I ask Iris if she has any plans.

"I think Tom and I will go see a movie or just stay at home tonight. The crazy man is building something and won't show it to me until it is finished, so he may want to stay home and work on that."

"Aww, Iris that's so cute!"

"What's not cute is when I can hear the sound of him hammering at 2:00am." We both laugh.

I open up my messages and text Ros.

Me: Hey! What are you doing later? I was hoping that maybe we could get a couple drinks tonight.

Rosalynn is great. She has a very vibrant personality and is very forward. Once she starts talking, it seems like she never stops and can hold a conversation for hours; she always finds something to talk about.

Ros: That sounds great! I feel like we haven't hung out in forever!

Me: I know right? Do you want to meet up at the bar on main street, say somewhere around 10:30? There should be some cute boys for you there ;).

Ros: Yeah that sounds good. I'll see you then!

"Looks like I have plans after all," I say to Iris.

"Good. I feel like all you do is go home and sleep," she teases me. That's pretty accurate.

"That means I'm actually going to have to get ready tonight. No sweatpants for me when I get home," I laugh.

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