Chapter Eight

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It's been two weeks since I last saw Dominic. We haven't texted since our lunch date, but he did call three days ago asking when he could see me next. I told him I would have to see what my work schedule is like and that I would call him back later, but I haven't yet. I'm not looking for anything, but I find myself compelled to say yes to him, and that worries me. Yes he is kind, funny, and cute, but that still doesn't mean I am going to want something with him. I feel like I owe it to myself and to him to give a second date a chance, because maybe something good could come out of it? But something doesn't seem or feel right.

I still have the strangest feeling about him in the pit of my stomach, and it agitates me because he hasn't said or done anything to make me second guess his kind demeanour. I always second guess things when something good happens or comes into my life, because I realize that good doesn't last forever. Some call me a pessimist, I call myself a realist.

There's been no calls about the painting either, which I am both thankful and disappointed about. Part of me wishes there was a call so that some artist would come forward and have no clue who I am, and wash away all my concerns that the painting is of me. On the other hand, part of me hopes that no one does in the case of my suspicions being right. I have been constantly trying to evade the idea that it was me in that painting; it just doesn't make any sense...

"Celeste?" Iris calls from the back.

"Yeah?" I answer back.

"Would you mind giving me a hand with this crate? It's a little too heavy for me to get on my own." She says walking closer to the front.

"Of course!" I say, getting up from my seat.

We head to the back together and I help her move the crate from the floor to the shelf.

"There, that should do it!" She says, clapping her hands together. "Thank you!"

"No problem," I smile at her.

"I've been meaning to ask you Celeste, is everything OK? You seem drained lately and I just want to make sure that nothing is wrong."

What do I tell her? I can't say anything about the painting, I don't want to sound like I'm crazy. Until I get more information or anything about it, or get a better understanding, I can't say anything.

"I'm good, just conflicted about someone I met at the bar a couple weeks ago, I didn't realize that was showing through. It's silly, honestly." I tell her the half-truth.

"What's silly about it, hon?"

We walk back up to the front and sit down, grabbing our drinks.

"Well I went out on a date with him two weeks ago and it was really great and we talked for hours, but I just can't help the feeling that something isn't right, which is ridiculous because he hasn't done anything to give me that feeling. He is kind, funny, he's good-looking, I don't know, it's so strange to me. He called a couple of days ago asking when he could see me next because I did technically agree to seeing him again, but I told him I had to see what my work schedule is like..." I trail off smirking at Iris. She smiles in return at me shaking her head.

"Funny how you don't know what your work schedule is like after two years," she winks at me still smiling.

"Well in my defense it does sometimes change!" I laugh.

"Does 'he' have a name?" She asks, genuinely interested.

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