Chapter Seven

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Why do these things seem to pop up all over the place?

I try to not think too much of it as I grab my keys and the little flower and head inside.

The cool air inside is welcoming and I thank the heavens for air conditioning.

Once setting my jacket on the back of my couch, I head to my room to add the other flower to the one on my bedside table.

I don't have work today so I need to find something else to occupy my time. It's too hot outside and I would melt if I went out there. House is clean, laundry is done... What should I do?

I hear my phone ring and I check the number and it's not one I recognize so I reluctantly answer.

"Hello?" I speak into the phone.

"Hi, Celeste? I'm not sure if you remember me, but it's Dominic, I met you last night at the bar."

"Of course I remember you."

"I hope it's OK, your friend gave me your number. I was wondering if you wanted to meet me for lunch today? And if today doesn't work for you, maybe we can schedule for another day?"

I blush at his words. Is he really asking me out on a date?

"Yeah, today would work great, actually!" I tell him, my voice more cheerful than usual.

I don't know why I agree to go out to lunch with him. I am just not looking for that sort of thing right now. I really did believe that we were OK with not exchanging numbers and just going our separate ways, but something inside me just tells me to go for it, to get out of my comfort zone.

We discuss the details of where to meet over the phone and decide on one of the new restaurants just down a couple blocks from where I work.

I look at the time once I end the call and see that it is 10:30am, so I decide to get ready.

Rooting through my closet I choose a light white t-shirt and some blue jeans and pair them with flats. I haven't been to the new restaurant yet, but I know that it isn't anything too fancy or formal, so casual is the way to go. I freshen up and head out to my car to drive back into town.

I pull up near the restaurant and see him waiting near the entrance for me. I look down at the clock and see that it is 12:00pm. right on the dot. Good timing. Getting out of the car, I smooth down my jeans with my hands and start walking towards him.

I wave at him with a smile once he sees me approaching and I can't help but notice his navy blue button up shirt clinging to his muscles. I avert my eyes and blush at the heated thoughts that consume my mind.

"I was able to make a reservation this morning, so our seats will be ready now if you're ready to go in?" He says, with a smile in return.

"Sounds great," I say and follow him in through the door.

Once I am in the doors I stare at the interior and love what I see. Gorgeous white beams stand graciously at the entrance with a brown wooden bench to wait for your seats. The inside reminds me of something you would find in an Italian restaurant, with crisp whites, dirt browns, and gorgeous deep greens. I guess I have always been compelled by lush greens and the way it reflects nature, reminding me of my forest. I suddenly feel almost guilt-stricken that I haven't been into the forest lately, but with the wolves being so close and that painting... I still don't understand that. Strangely enough, it's not the wolves that I fear...

"Wow," I mutter, more to myself than Dominic.

"It looks great in here." He replies, in agreement as we walk up to the hostess.

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