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'Cause I love you. Yes, I love you. Oh, how, I love you.

Chloe enter her home with such rush. Her father ask if she's alright and she replies that she wants to be in her room.Without another word, she rush up the stairs into her room, locking her door, placing her music on speaker. She spin around the room,"Emily Junk, I know what happen!"She shouts."I'm sorry for what your father did to you and your lover, Stacie Conrad."

The room temperature drop and her music is distorted."A-And A-And I-I love y- oohh." The music pause then continue to play smoothly.

"Are you going to help me?"Chloe turn around and face the girl who is not in her head, but dead.... She's not crazy!

"So this is real? How is this,"She pause."Can I ask what happen? I know I read the newspaper, but what happen?"The brunette sigh, sitting down.


It was 1952, the good days and by good I mean racist, homophobic, and sexist time of our century. I was not like other girls my age- I didn't dress like them and I was outcast because of it.

I was a loner, an outcast, in school.

Until I met her...

Until I met Stacie Conrad.... She was extremely attractive. All the girls wanted to be her and all the boys wanted to be in her. Beautiful and had brains, she was destine to be popular and perfect, yet she decide to befriend me. I remember the day when she sat down next to me at lunch. It was a shock to me and others, but she ignore the girls telling her to get away and continued to sit next to me. We instantly clicked, it's as if the universe wanted us to meet and be friends....

But I always wonder why my heart skipped a beat when I saw her and when the butterflies in my tummy appears with her sweet like honey laugh. That was when I realized, I'm in love with her. I was frighten, who wouldn't when they realize they love a girl? It was the 50's, people like me were killed!

Of course I prefer to have my heart ache for her than to act on my attraction. One night though, she climb in my window and just kissed me. Literally out of nowhere which shock the hell out of me. Of course I kissed her back with the same passion she has for me. One thing lead to another and we laid on my bed.... Nude. My father walk in on us, we weren't quiet enough. I never seen my father so angry; furiously shouting about how homosexual is a sin. Stacie ran out, barely any cover for her body.

My father warned Stacie and I to never see each other. Of course we didn't listen. In fact, we purposely showed our love to rebel against the 50's lifestyle. We were truly outcast by then, but we didn't mind because I had Stacie and Stacie had me. It was us vs the homophobic world. Although we were treated like hell, Stacie somehow made everything better. She was my drug, her kisses were my medicine and I wanted to overdose by her kisses.

Every night she would sneak in through the window. It was a risk we were willing to take. Our love was a risk. Our love was like a gun, ready to trigger any moment. Ironically, it did.

It was August 17, 8:42

When my father climb my stairs and into my room and shot me once in the head.

It was 9:30 when Stacie enter my room only to find me dead. It was 9:34 when my father came out my closet and shot my love multiple times in the head. He processed to take her down the stairs and I never saw her again.

Chloe wipe her tears, she really feels for the girl.

Emily allow her cries to be audible. She wipe her tears and look up at Chloe,"Will you help me please?"

50's Stemily! Anyway, this chapter was shorter than the previous ones but I hope it was good like the other. Comment your thoughts!

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