Insight of Beca Mitchell(2)

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September 26, 1990

Hey book. It's almost a month but it feels like it's  almost a year. My life is pretty much rock bottom right now.  Dad got worst. He been drinking vodka instead of usual Blue Ribbon. So dad is more violent, hitting my mom and me more harsher.

Mom gave up in life.... all she does is lay in bed. She isn't talking- I miss her comforting words. She isn't moving much- she isn't moving at all. She only gets up from her bed when she goes to the bathroom or to grab a piece of bread.

Bread... the only good food we have. Mom and dad aren't working. We have no money. It been weeks without power- but I'm working to be able to pay the bills. It doesn't pay much....

I hate my life. I'm tired of living like this. I'm not living, I'm surviving because dad beats me and I'm scared if I don't protect myself, he's going to kill me. I just wish I had someone.

I'm alone in the world.

School isn't much either. Everyone is mean over there. I tried to make friends but they think I'm odd for some fucking reason. Then again, high school has no logical reason. So I put up this facade. Putting up this character who does not give a fuck. A character who seems to feel nothing but in reality feels everything. Maybe there's this one hope, his name is Jesse. He seems nice. He showed me around the school and said if I need anything just find him.

I think maybe he might make my life a little better, ya know? I might have a friend.  Maybe my life might get bette-—_

I'm sorry if I left you hanging. Dad came in the room angry that the power isn't working. I told him it's because he hasn't paid the bills and he immediately think I called a him a jobless man. He slap me hard and push me my bed- I thought he was going to hurt me but I kick him in the balls which made him fall off and I took the time to grab my book and bolt in my bathroom. I'm sitting in my tub, writing this as my father is banging the bathroom door. The banging of the door is creating echo voices. They telling me to bash his head with curtain stick, why are echo of door banging so violent? I can't handle this anymore...

I'm tired...

It's late, I need to sleep if I'm getting to school tomorrow...

Goodnight book

Rebeca Mitchell

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