Insight Of Beca Mitchell(1)

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Dad made us move again.  He got fired at his job once again. From Atlanta to Los Angeles California was a huge move but at least the house is nice. I got to choose my room- it's purple- my favorite color.

Mom seem to be more depress since we moved here. She had a good job and great friends. Dad couldn't give a damn, he's believed his boss has an issue with him, but dad thinks coming to work drunk is acceptable. Me? I'm not really upset about leaving because I had nothing there...

I have nothing anywhere. I can't get close to anyone because I know dad will fuck up some how and make us move. I don't understand why my mom doesn't leave him, she should leave him, huh?

She always replies with,"I love your father."

But he's not my father when drunk(which is most of the time)

I guess love just makes you stupid.

But as I was saying, we moved once again. The neighborhood is nice I guess but I won't get use to it because I know we won't be here longer.

I really hope- wait I think I hear mom and dad arguing again. But as I was saying, I really ho-
I hear glass shatter- I'll be back!

I have return. Dad is drunk again. He hit mom again and he try to hit mom with a glass bottle. I tired to stop it but dad slap me hard against the face. He always does that. Why does he hit my mom and I? I thought you don't hurt the ones you love? I guess dad doesn't love us. I hear my mom crying- the walls are thick so mom must be hysterically crying again.
Book of mine, I don't know what to do anymore.

My life is like a cycle.

1)We find a new house
2)Dad gets fired

It's the same thing over and over. I wish my life wasn't this way. I'm tired of dad hitting my mom and I- I'm tired and scared he might really hurt my mom.

I really wish everything turn to the better.
It's late book. I have school tomorrow so I have to let you go. Bye book.

Rebeca Mitchell

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