First day part 2

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"Come on bea we have to go to the front office to get your schedule" Caleb said as I hopped off his back. We walked side by side and he was talking all about this school. I soon got my schedule:
Tris Prior locker # 356
1. Home room-Mrs.Wu
2. Math-Mr.Max
7.P.E-Coach Amar period
"My schedule looks pretty nice" I thought to myself. "Hey sis let me show you where your locker is",Caleb said.
He showed me my locker then went to class way to early. I grabbed my things and of course when I turned around i just had to bump into a girl with moca skin and black hair. She must have known who I was cause she helped me pick up my things and said " hi sorry about that. I'm Christina but you can call me Chris. Wanna be friends. Pleases don't kill me" " why would I kill you and sure we can be friends" I responded "ok. Can I see you schedule" she asked. I nodded and handed it to her." Omg we have all the same classes" she squealed. No one even payed attention, I guess it was normal. "Let's go and what should I call you tris or six"Christina asked while we walked. "Tris"I responded. "Let's go and I have to introduce you to my friends" Chris added

A.N. Sorry for the short chapters I have a little writers block
Also I am staring this thing called Question Of The Day or QOTD put your answer in the comments
Today's QOTD is what is your favorite color?
Mines is a neon like pink and blue

Tris the badassWhere stories live. Discover now