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By the time I got back lunch was over. Boooooo I didn't get to finish my sandwich. "Hey tris where were you and I grabbed your sandwich",Chris asked with consern in her voice.YESSS MY SANDWHICH YASSSSSS. The only thing that could ruin that moment between me and my sandwich were my bloody knuckles. Darn having to punch you Peter.
When I went to grab my sandwich Chris saw my bloody knuckles and gasped "what" I asked." Your knuckles, what happened", She asked." Ooh ooh I know..... First punch",Uriah stated trying to sound smart. "No first punch in like 3 months"I responded. "I'm fine" I said while wiping the blood on a napkin"whoa that's not even your blood " Will exclaimed "wait let me taste that" Uriah said. I gave it to him and he licked it trying to taste the blood even though I already knew who's it was. PETER'S BLOOD

QOTD: Which one is better?
-TFIOS (The Fault In Our Stars)
- The Maze Runner
- The Hunger Games
Answer: all of them

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