Taiyo and Tsuki: Sun and Moon

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(3rd person POV)

A lonely girl sat on a grassy hill. The wind was blowing, carrying the scent of summer flowers. A lone tree, perched in the middle of the gently rising slope, was her only companion. The girl, only 15 years of age, wore a plain, simple white dress that billowed elegantly around her knees.

A sad boy slowly trudged up the hill, staring at his feet. He was all alone as well. He wore a plain, blue t-shirt and jeans with a hole in one knee. He was all alone in the world, no family, no friends, no nothing. The only place he could call home was the silent, ever-present, hill.

The boy reached the top of the hill and saw the girl sitting under the strong oak tree. Her bright, brown hair danced beautifully in the strengthening wind. Her shimmering, orange eyes fixed on the clouds crawling by.

The girl turned to look at the boy. She saw his dark black hair framing his face and his swirling midnight blue pools called eyes. His loose shirt gently moving in the breeze-turned-wind. 

They stared at each other as the plants danced to the rhythm of the breeze. The tree seemed to be leading them in a slow, graceful wave.

The girl stood up, the wind kissing her exposed, peach-like skin. She brushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear and spoke in a gentle, soothing tone filled with light.

"My name is Taiyo. What's yours?" The boy hesitated for a moment, pondering whether or not to trust this stranger. But, something in the way she spoke and her calming, yet bright appearance made him want to trust her. Her spoke plainly in a voice dipped in golden honey.

"I'm Tsuki."

The sun and the moon. They can't get too close without one of them getting hurt.

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