Don't Hurt Her.

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I tried to get away, but one of them pulled me back by my hair.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Please. Just let me go." I cried. Another one came up and hit me in the stomach.

"No way in hell girl." What made this worse was that these guys went to my school. They continued punching me and kicking me. I was beginning to wish that they would just kill me already. I had received several bruises all up and down my arms and legs. I wanted to throw up. Suddenly, there was a shout and the guys backed away from me. I slumped against the wall.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!? DO YOU THINK IT'S OKAY TO BEAT UP A POOR INNOCENT GIRL LIKE THAT?!" I closed my eyes and fell to the ground. I could hear the shouts of the men as the ran away.

"Crap! It's Ame*. Run!" Their footsteps pounded away and I pried my eyes open.

"Ame." I whispered. His name was sweet on my tongue and it's the only thing I wanted to say. "Ame." I tried to stand up, but he ran over to me and supported me in his arms. His strong arms were the only place I felt at home.

"Akira. Are you okay?" I laughed slightly at that question.

"You idiot. I'm only okay now, because you're here." He tilted my chin up and connected our lips. It was a short, sweet, pleasant kiss.

"Don't go anywhere without me. Come on, we'll go to my house." He turned around and I climbed onto his back. 

"I'm glad you came, Ame."

"Me too. I'm sorry I couldn't get there faster." I shook my head, burying my face in his hair. It smelled really nice.

"Don't be. I'm fine."

"You're not fine, you're very badly hurt."

"That's not your fault though." He walked into his three room apartment and sat me down gently on his couch. Then, he pulled out his first-aid kit and started tending to my wounds. When he was all finished, I was covered in bandages from head to toe. He sat on the couch next to me. I leaned my head on his shoulder. We both layed down and I kissed his cheek.

"I'm really glad you're my guardian protector." And we fell asleep in each other's arms.

*Ame is pronounced aw-may and in Japanese it means rain.

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