What Are You so Afraid of? It's Only a Little Game.

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"I really don't want to go in there." She whined as her 'friends' pushed her towards the old abandoned house. It stood three stories tall and all the paint had peeled away long ago, leaving it cracked and grey. It was almost completely surrounded by the forest, all except the front door.

"Oh come on. Don't be a baby." One scoffed.

"Yea. It's just a harmless trick." Another jeered.

"If it's so harmless, then why don't one of you go!" Our main character protests.

"Just shut up and go you big baby!" The final one said and pushed her into the house. The door closed behind her, leaving her in total darkness. Then, out of nowhere, candles lit all along the walls. Now that she could see, the inside didn't look old at all. There were two lavish sofas in the middle of the room and a decorative, circle carpet under them. Just beyond them lay a grand staircase leading up to the second floor. Candles lit the hand railing The wallpaper was a pattern of four-pointed stars that were of orange color on a pale yellow background. The occasional painting was hung on both walls. Off to one side was a long corridor lit by the occasional candle, a matching corridor lead off to the opposite side. The glow of the candles was both soothing and terrifying. 

Something was definitely wrong here. No one is supposed to live here, so why does everything look so new? Why did candles just suddenly spring to life? What is that creaking noise?  Our main character takes a bold step into the house. Running a hand on the sofa's cushions, she heard a banging noise. Sh jumped and returned to the door. Banging on it, she yelled.

"LET ME OUT! PLEASE!" She could hear her friends' laughing on the other side. Tears left trails down her face. She backed away from the door and wandered over to the sofa. Sitting down, she glanced everywhere to make sure she was alone.

"Hello there Miss." Our main character jumped and screamed at the voice behind her. It was a young man dressed all in black with a black cape. His dark brown hair and searching purple eyes stood out the most.

"I'm so sorry to trespass! My friends made me, I'm sorry." 

"Don't worry about it. After all, it's just a harmless game." He smirked.

"Yes, I suppose so."

"What do you think about playing a little game?"

"What kind of game?"

"Just the kind that makes your so called friends wish they had never made you wander in here." He held out his hand for her to take. She hesitated, but took it.

"Sure. After all, what do they have to be scared of? It's just a little game."

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