Chapter VII

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"Serer..." Called a soothing voice as she dreamt.

Serer tossed and turned, bumping into Poe as she did. He looked over with concern, making sure nothing was wrong, and saw a shivering Serer. Knowing it was a risky move, he shifted his body to the other side, placing his left arm around her waist. He noticed it had worked, for her shivers had stopped and her squirming ceased. After finally making sure everything was back to normal, Poe fell back into a deep slumber.

"Serer...Come home, Serer..." The voice spoke again as she dreamt.

Serer's eyes sudden opened, and looked down at Poe's arm wrapped around her. It provided her with a safe feeling and warmth, so she did not stir.

"Serer..." The voice called again, alarming Serer. She wasn't dreaming anymore, someone was really calling for her.

Poe's breaths felt heavy on her neck, his snores not loud enough to wake up Jonjo. She carefully slipped from beneath his arm, careful not to wake any of them. His arm was still reaching for her, so out of quick thinking, she slipped her rolled up jacket in her place.

Taking the blaster from by her feet, she stood, and began walking up the stairs quietly from the basement. The Castle was in complete darkness, not a sound stirred from within or even from the outside world.

"Serer...Serer..." The voice now whispered frantically as she reached the main part of the Castle.

Looking around, she held the blaster to the level of her eye, taking in sharp breaths. No one was around.

"Serer...I need you!" The quiet voice spoke as she neared the main exit. Opening one of the doors as carefully as possible, she stepped out into the chilly night, wishing she hadn't left her jacket.

Looking around outside, nothing and no one seemed to be present, but the voice kept calling her name. To her utter surprise, sparse flakes of snow began to fall from the sky, starting to coat the ground and trees lightly. She stared in the direction of the woods where the voice seemed to be leading her.

The forest was even denser then she remembered, and without her lightsaber as a source of light, she truly couldn't see anything. Snow began to stick to her hair and eyelashes as the voice kept calling her deeper, and deeper into the woods.

"I'm here." Called the voice softly. "It's me."

Serer could hear her heart pounding in her chest, as her breathing increased rapidly. She looked all around her as the voiced now seemed to be everywhere. She paused for a moment, holding the blaster up as snowflakes kissed her cheeks. The world began to spin as the voices overwhelmed her, until suddenly they stopped.

Breathing heavily, the voices could no longer be heard. Serer froze, stricken with fear, as she heard the crackling sound of a lightsaber ignite.

Turning around slowly, she faced a black clothed and masked Kylo Ren. Before she could even scream, he raised his hand, paralyzing her in place. He circled her slowly as she watched the snowflakes land on his mask and then disappear. Fear succumbed her body as he took the blaster from her hand and placed it in his belt.

"You thought I would let you go so easily?" The distorted voice asked, causing Serer to close her eyes.

The circling stopped as she opened them, she watched in horror as he lifted the lightsaber to her neck, keeping it inches away from touching her skin. Serer could feel the heat generating from it.

"No, I couldn't let you go." He now spoke, the lightsaber extinguishing.

He released her as she shivered in place, but there was no Poe to save her now.

"Why are you doing this?" She asked him simply.

His back now turned to her as she stood there, defenseless. "I couldn't lose you again." His voice spoke almost with a sort of gentleness under the distortion of the mask.

She walked forwards towards him, as he turned around to face her, she hesitated before unlatching his mask. His eyes looked upon her gingerly as hers searched his for some sort of answer.

"Then don't." She whispered, closing her eyes as her balance shifted from her feet to her tippy toes, her face moved towards his slowly.

She stopped. "How did you find me?"

"You didn't really believe Jonjo was still good, did you?" Kylo whispered as she opened her eyes and walked backwards away from him, dropping his mask in the lightly snow covered grass.

She stood there, her heart breaking within her chest. How could her own brother betray her like this?

"Poe." She whispered, realizing he was now alone with Jonjo.

"He can't save you now." Sneered Kylo before picking his mask up from the ground and dusting the snow from it. He then latched it back into place.

Serer turned around and began running as fast as she could towards the Castle. Who knows what Jonjo would do to Poe.

As she neared the Castle a large explosion shook the planet, causing her to cling to a tree. Looking upon the Castle in the near distance, TIE fighters were shooting at it. The structure was now engulfed in flames and began crumbling slightly. She ran even faster towards it, until she stopped, taking cover under a nearby tree from TIE fighter blasters.

The snow was now falling even harder and in a greater quantity, clinging to her. She stood there, her tears almost freezing to her face.

An arm now wrapped itself tightly around her waist, so tight not even she could free herself. She screamed and used one of her hands to try and pry his arm off of her, but her other wrist was now clenched tightly in Kylo Ren's free hand. He was much stronger than she as he quietly and easily dragged her back into the darkness of the forest.

There was nothing Serer could do now. Poe, Maz, and Jonjo were most likely crushed beneath the Castle's rubble and it was all because of her. Serer watched hopelessly as Kylo's command shuttle touched down upon the snow covered shore where they has walked previously that day. Her worst nightmare was coming true, she was to be taken back to StarKiller Base.

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