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wildjohnson : OMG


wildjohnson : I LOVE YOU

jackjackjohnson : aw i love you too ! <3

wildjohnson : you saved me.

jackjohnson: saved you ?

wildjohnson : yes , you saved me. You saved me from myself. You saved me from killing myself. You always made me smile even in my darkest Times. You are my source of happiness. And i dont ever want to lose you.

Jackjohnson : im glad you stayed for me. I love you and all my other fans. These kinds of things my fans say to me make me want to succeed even more. I just want you all to be proud of me.

wildjohnson : but I am proud of you. You become even more famous. I'm proud of you. We're all proud of you.

jackjackjohnson : sometimes I feel like I've let you all down.

wildjohnson : don't say that. You'll never let us down.

Jackjackjohnson : I mean sometimes I get so much hate. I feel like I'm just the other " jack "

wildjohnson : but that's the thing your the " other " jack. Your so much more than you think you are. You shouldn't care what people say about you. I think your perfect just the way you are. And that's why I'm a fan. Because I like you the way you are. And so do your fans. You shouldn't change who you are just because of other people's opinions.

jackjackjohnson : thank you. Ummm...

Jackjackjohnson : I'm sorry I didn't really get your name ?

wildjohnson : my names Margaret but some people like to call me Maggie.

Jackjackjohnson : a pretty name for a pretty girl.

wildjohnson : wtf you don't even know how I look like

Jackjackjohnson : yes I do you have a pictures of yourself you tweeted

wildjohnson : are you like stalking me rn ?

Jackjackjohnson : HOLY SHIT YOUR SO PRETTY

wildjohnson : you're blind

Jackjackjohnson : oops just retweeted

wildjohnson : JACK

wildjohnson : WTF

wildjohnson : I LOOK SO UGLY IN THAT ONE.

Jackjackjohnson : not even you look so gorgeous omg

wildjohnson : now everyone saw my ugly selfie

wildjohnson : thanks a lot jack

Jackjackjohnson : no. Now everyone is blessed with such beauty in there timeline (:

wildjohnson : I think you need to go to an eye doctor to get your vision checked out because your that blind. (:

Jackjackjohnson : I already have (:

wildjohnson : haha so funny

Jackjackjohnson : can I ask you a question ? You don't have to answer it if you don't what to.

wildjohnson : go ahead.

Jackjackjohnson : why do you think your ugly ?

wildjohnson : I'm just really insecure about myself. All my life I've hated myself. I just don't see myself as attractive.

Jackjackjohnson : just because you don't think you are doesn't mean other people think you're attractive.

wildjohnson : I'd highly doubt that.

Jackjackjohnson : I think you're gorgeous. Even if you don't think you are.

wildjohnson : I think you're gorgeous to

Jackjackjohnson : wtf

wildjohnson : haha I'm kidding

Jackjackjohnson : idk thou I think I'm adorable

wildjohnson : stop being so self centered Johnson

jackjackjohnson : okay ):

wildjohnson : you're that gullible omg.

Jackjackjohnson : you hurt my feelings ):

wildjohnson : stop being a little kid

Jackjackjohnson : but I'm like 5 wtf

wildjohnson : but if you where 5 your wouldn't be texting me (;

Jackjackjohnson : I hate you

wildjohnson : you love me :*

Jackjackjohnson : true

Jackjackjohnson : but I still hate you

wildjohnson : no you love me (: <3

wildjohnson : shit I have to go I'm sorry jack bye.

Jackjackjohnson : wait what

Jackjackjohnson : why ?

Jackjackjohnson : Maggie ?

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