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Jack johnson

I got this weird feeling. When i looked at her. She seemed indifferent. It gave me this bad feeling. She hasn't talked to me or to olivia in a while. Shes mostly sleeping or just watching tv quietly. Im worried about her. I don't like seeing her like this.

Like ever since the recovery. Shes beem acting quite strange. Shes not letting anyone help her. She's been eating less. I wish i knew how to help her but i dont know how to anything i could say could maybe offense her and i don't wanna hurt her more than she already is shes been throught so much i don't want to give her more problems.

I just hope my happy Maggie is still in there somewhere. I really hope we can get her out of here soon. I can see its changing her.

Everytime i try to talk to her i don't. Im afraid to say the wrong things. Ive never felt that way ever. But boy ever since ive met her its like im not jack johnson the famous singer/rapper. Im just jack johnson a regular teenage boy.

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