The Walk of Shame Chapter: 6

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I reach the front door and shrug Tyler's arm off my shoulder. I turn to him.

"Hey ty can you bring me my stuff in Kyle's room. Just give it to me at school ok? I'm in no mood to stay here any longer." I look at my shoes, embarrassed. You think he actually will? He's not really in my "group" he's more popular. He nods then smirks.

"What?" I ask him but he just keeps smirking.

"You look hot when your embarrassed." He smirks once more. Did Tyler FREEKING Coleway just call me hot!
I play it off cool and just nod my head and try to hide the blush.

"Thanks I got to go now...."

"See ya!"

I close the door behind me and realize that Maya took the car. Ugh. I decide that I have to call Thomas. Kill me now. I pull out my phone and pull up his contact.

Hey tom tom come pick me up? 😏 -Lilly

Sure where are you sis -Thomas

Um...the Coleway's.... -Lilly

U better explains when I get there!!! -Thomas

Fine -Lilly


Ten minutes later Thomas pulls up and I I hop in. He pull's out of the drive way and I sneak a quick glance at him. He seems pist. Oops? Wait I didn't do anything oops.

"Thomas it's fine I was only over here for a project. Maya was here a little while ago. So just don't stress." I say in a calming voice. Thomas doesn't seem to buy it.

"Did either of them try anything!? I mean anything! I'll mess them up so the next time they look at you they will see my fist. Which one tried something!? Was it Tyler..ugh it was I never liked him and-" Thomas rambled.

"Jesus Tom nothing happened. Happened neither of them did a thing it's fine ok-" I cut him off to get cut off myself.

"Are you sure because if they did you no what I would do? No I'll just explain to you what I would-"

"I'm fine ok? I almost drowned only once ok? So just stopped!" I yell. I thought that would shut him up, but he just slammed on the breaks. This is gonna be a while.





I slam my hand on my alarm and lean up in my bed. I get up throw some ripped black jean shorts on and a off the shoulder white shirt. I decide on not taking a shower this morning because I took one last night. I wash my face and apply mascara and some red lipgloss on. I add little curls to the bottom of my hair and jog down stairs. Grabbing a few frozen waffles and an apple.(I'm in love with frozen waffles!) slipping on my red converse I slip my head phone in.

"Thomas I'm walking to school today! See ya later!" I yell hoping he hears me.

I start to walk to school until I'm about a block away from my house and I hear a honk. I turn around and start to walk backwards. I push my amazing sunglasses down to see who is driving the black BMW M6 . What I know my cars?!

I notice Kyle driving the car. I roll my eyes and keep walking backwards to to the school.

"Hey sweet cheek want a ride?" Tyler smirks. Making me role my eyes again.
I really don't want to see Kyle. I know it's not really his fault and I do forgive him. If I get friendly with any boys especially the Coleway's my brother might have a heart attack or just beet them up.

"Nah rather not." I keep walking. Then the black car pulls up in front of me. Are they insane!?

"Where not leaving to you get in!" I hear Kyle holler.

"Fine" I mumble and get into the back. I see Tyler get in the back with me. Why didn't he just stay in the front. Ugh. Tyler of course starts flirting and complimenting me making me just slightly blush. I look up into the mirror and notice Kyle full on glaring at Tyler. He almost looks....


Nah Lilly he wouldn't be jealous no way! Ptf!what am I thinking!?

Once we get to school Kyle finds a parking space and we all get out and almost everyone's eyes are on us. I look at the steps to the stairs. They seem so far away.

"Time for the walk of shame" I mumble to my self.

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