Chapter 2

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*Ida's POV*

I sat in the snow for god knows how long, not fully believing that he had gone. Everyone else had left, leaving me to think things over. I looked out over the cliff, watching the waves roll in the murky water below. There was a little wind, making the snow fall on a slant, my hair now covered in the white specs. The tracks of shoes had now covered over, removing any trace of anything ever happening. The ship firing mortars had docked again, Assassin's still patrolling the Homestead. 

"Don't you think you should come inside now, Ada?" I felt a dainty hand rest on my shoulder. I flinched, throwing the hand backwards. I looked up to meet Hope's eyes, sympathetic and sad.

"It's easy for you to say, the one you loved didn't just get killed by your friends," I replied, my eyes  looking back out into the distance

"It had to be done, Ida. If not, he would've killed thousands more," Hope said

"How do you know? Maybe taking the Manuscript may have saved those lives," I stood up, turning to meet her face again. She shook her head, closing her eyes as she did so.

"He took it so we couldn't have it. If he wasnt' right, no one is," Hope said, "Always a subborn one, that one."

"But there was no need to murder him! He did nothing wrong!" I shot back, getting more and more riled up as Hope continued

"Come on, your hurt, you won't remember any of this in the moring," She said, grabbing my arm and leading me inside. She stomped hard, making snow fly up in the air. I looked back over my shoulder, trying to find any other sign of life. He can't be dead. I looked forwards again, still trudging through the snow with Hope's death grip on my arm. She opened the door, pushing me inside. Achilles walked through the doorway, his face turning into a smug smile.

"Ah, the girl's back! Come to shout at me as well?" He teased, striking a nerve in my body

"He did nothing wrong! There was no need to kill him! He was right, you are killing the innocent!" I shouted back.

"Ida, enough of this!" Hope shouted, grabbing my arm, holding me back from doing anything, "He's dead, saying these things won't bring him back!"

"You don't regret this? At all?" I asked, looking at them both

"He was a traitor, he was going to kill us! He was probably going to kill you!" Achilles said, crossing his arms, getting angrier at me by the second

"If this is the way you all think, I don't want to be a part of this any longer," I shook my head, confused  as to why no-one cared about Shay's death.

"Reallly? Where are you going to go? You joined the Assassins because no one wanted you, you were thrown out! Remember?" Achilles shouted, inching closer and closer, "Foolish child,"

"The Templars surely won't want you, infact, we'll happily kill you too if you decide to join them!" Hope shouted too, getting her gun out of the holster. 

"Hope, there is no need for that," Achillles said, pushing her gun back, "Ida, go upstairs and wait until morning, this will have all blown over,"

I turned around slowly, watching Hope in case she pulled out her gun again. I reached the stairs, climbing them slowly, still eyeing the pair of them. I reached your room, your eyes roaming the interior. They landed on the desk, scattered with paper and weapons. Slowly, my feet stepped over to the table, hips swaying. My hand reached out and caressed the items on the desk, pushing away the useless pieces of paper. They came into contact with something hard, and slightly warm. I pushed the papers away to see what it was, instantly curious. It was Shay's favourite gun. Tears sprung to my eyes, hand shooting up to cover my mouth. I started to back away, one hand touching the gun, and the other covering my mouth. Walking back over to the gun, I picked it up, still warm with his gentle touch. Angrily wiping a stray tear, I picked the gun up and placed it in my hands, being delicate not to break anything. I savoured the warmth of the handle, enjoying one of the last things I had of him. 


Hey guys^.^ This wasn't a very good chapter tbh, this was just to fill in some more detail and to bring up a mAJOR PLOT POINT OOOOOOOOOH

thank you so much for the support, until next timeeee:')

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