Ch 2~ The 'Perfect Image'

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Kagami's POV:


Some random women in her late 20's fell down comically at my blunt reaction before standing up annoyed, "Why not? Your perfect for the job! You get paid as well? Don't teens your age need money?" 

"I'm not a greedy person thank you very much, and what kind of women pops out of nowhere and knocks an innocent 12-year old who was looking for somewhere quiet for lunch after easily escaping a red scissor commanding emperor and suddenly demands that they're perfect for a job I don't even want?"

"Its only a few pictures! And maybe a contract...HEY, WHERE THE F*CK DID HE GO!?" 

I was sitting above her in a tree (where the branches kindly shield me, Sara was right, this power was actually handy for something) as I watched her look around, frustrated before going back into her car and driving away.

I groaned slightly as I leaned back against the trunk thinking about what just happened.


On the first day of middle school, you only get to have your first class before you go to some ceremony which pretty much takes up 2 and a half hours. Then it's lunch. Apparently, club selections happens the day after tomorrow.

"I swear, this isn't how japanese school systems work." I said to Sara during lunchbreak where I somehow escaped Akashi with unpractised misdirection after the entrance ceremony which I ignored most of it except for the part I actually needed to know (The entire ceremony can be broken down to 1/4 of what we actually needed to know and 3/4 of what we really don't care since that 3/4th part was pretty much just bragging about school history and the motto of the school which pretty much breaks down everything. "Ever-Victorious."

"Well, technically it isn't, but I figured that since you're originally lived in America most of your life despite being Japanese, that you weren't aware of how japanese school works, but it seems that you're more of a genius and more well prepared then I thought since you already seem to know it all plus having a IQ of a graduated university student." Sara said.

"What else did you think I did in all the free time during my childhood? Pretty much explore everything since child instincts are to ask questions about every small thing they see.

I decided to eat at the large tree I was at during the morning.

Walking towards the direction of the tree, pleasantly enjoying the gentle wind and the beautiful vibrant blue sky above.

You know, it just feels like nothing will go wrong.


Of course, that kind of thing only exists in Fairy tales and dream world's.

I'm not a naive person, so I knew something was bound to happen.

I sighed as that sense of dread somehow creeped up my spine.

And no, I do not have an emperor eye that can see the future  (I think) I just have good instincts.

'In 3...2...1...'


A blonde tornado passed me in the speed of light. The perfect example of a poor deer running away from beasts.

Not that anyone knows.

I turned to the nearby students who were wondering what the heck just passed them and smiled and obviously fake yet still blinding close-eyed smile.

Kuroko no Basket: In KnB reincarnated as Kagami?!Where stories live. Discover now