chapter twelve

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You know when people say that something is so amazing that it can't be put into words? Well that's exactly how I felt about the showers after coach's insane four hour training sessions. Most of the other guys frequently claimed that the showers were better than sex, but I guess they just never had my kind of sex.

The smell of sweat and deodorant in the locker room was enough to suffocate a small country, but I didn't care. Football was my life. I remember the day I made the team back in freshman year, when they said I was a rare talent that only came around once every five or six years. From that day on, I never missed a training session. I never let anyone pass me out on the team, and I always ran the fastest, kicked the furthest and scored the most touch-downs. One by one, I gained the respect of every person on the team, the captains, the players and the supporters. However, I had zero leadership abilities. I was perfectly happy being the sheep that follows the rest, the sexiest sheep but a sheep nonetheless. Anyway, that left Daniel to be the captain.

When I first came out at school, I wasn't bothered by what people said or how they treated me, as long as they remembered who it was that won them three national titles in a row. They didn’t have time to doubt me because I managed to win them the last match of the season the night after I came out. After that, the guys left me alone for the most part. They didn’t pass comments unless the opportunity presented itself or unless Josh was around.

Originally, I had been great friends with Josh. To say that he was a little homophobic would be an understatement. He punched me right in the face and wouldn't speak to me at all, unless he was passing some crappy gay joke. I wouldn't even mind if he could have at least found some funny ones.

Daniel had been the only one to stick by me through it all. When people mocked me or picked a fight with me, he was always there to back me up. I had always known that Daniel was a great friend, but I discovered that he would do literally anything for me, including social suicide. I guess I'd do the same for him. Hell, I'd take a bullet for him if I had to.

  We all stood by facing our lockers, towels covering our lower halves, but apart from that we were all pretty much naked. Not to sound like a creep, but I loved these few moments after practise. Not because of the large amount of muscular naked men around (not that that was a turn off), but because the guys seemed to forget I was gay for these ten minutes, or else they just liked to pretend it wasn’t real. Outside of the locker rooms, I couldn’t look at a guy without being accused of making a pass at him, but for some reason they didn’t care as much in here. My theory was that they were all closet homosexuals and secretly loved to see me walk around in all my glory. 

"Are you going to Sam’s party tonight, Shaun?" Matthew asked me. Matthew was a nice guy in my books, for the sole reason that he had never acted homophobic towards me.

"I didn’t know he was having a party." 

"Yeah, his sister just found out she isn't pregnant and he wants to celebrate." 

I put on some deodorant. "I don't think I can do tonight, sorry Matt." Just then, Adam walked through the locker room doors. He smiled at me and sat down on the bench next to me.

  “Ready?” he grinned.

  "Almost, just give me a minute to get dressed."

  “Take your time,” he replied, lying down across the bench and closing his eyes.

  “Where are you two going?” Matthew asked awkwardly, trying his best to deflect the sudden tension that had filled the room.   Adam’s eyes opened but he didn’t sit up. His eyes met mine and I sighed quietly.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2013 ⏰

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