chapter seven

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whoa chapter seven already ha ha,  the support for this story is great,

between the two accounts we've got over 1000 reads !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to every single person who liked it.

anyway I'm really excited to hear what you have to say about this one


I was terrified of alarm clocks. I rarely mentioned it after I told Shaun and he teased me for weeks, but I was still petrified. I loved slowly regaining consciousness each morning, not jumping awake to the irritating, obnoxious beep of an alarm clock. There was just something very unnatural about that method of waking up, and if anything, it only succeeded in making me even more tired. But alas, an alarm clock was necessary for me on school mornings.  

This is why I was delighted when I somehow managed to wake up before my alarm sounded. I blinked my eyes open in surprise and smiled at my success, even though I didn't exactly have any control over it. Unfortunately, I was basking in the wondrous moment having forgotten to check what the actual time was. I was stretching in my bed, arching my back when my alarm clock suddenly screeched piercingly loud, causing me to jump up and whack my head on the headboard.  

Wincing and grumbling to myself, I resorted to glaring at the alarm clock, wondering, as I did almost every morning, why I didn't just throw the piece of shit against the wall and smash it to bits. But again, like every other morning, I reminded myself that I would only end up having to buy a new one. Besides, I couldn't throw with much force anyway.  

I pulled myself out of bed and clumsily stumbled towards the bathroom quick shower. I got dressed in the bathroom and headed back to my bedroom. As I approached, I heard a giggle from under the covers of my bed, and I noticed the toddler sized lump hidden underneath the duvet. A grin slipped onto my face.  

"Wow, that's a huge lump on my bed. Maybe I should sit on it to flatten it out." My little sister giggled again as I patted the covers around her.  

"It's me, Addy!" Emily screamed, throwing back the covers and laughing hysterically.

I faked a shocked look. "Emily, what are you doing in my room?" I asked as I sat on the bed beside her. I scooped the four year old up into my arms where she immediately began playing with my hair, a habit she had.  

"Mommy told me to get you for breakfast," Emily whispered. When I opened my mouth to reply, she quickly shushed me and put her finger to my lips. I laughed at the serious look on her face.  

"Why are we whispering?" I whispered, confused now.  

Emily clambered off my lap and ran to the other side of the room where she began to search for something with a intent expression.  

"What are you doing, Em?" I laughed out loud as she opened whatever drawers she could reach. She pouted and turned to face me.  

"Where's your toy, Addy?" she whined.  

"What toy?" I asked, struggling to think of what she could possibly mean.  

Emily stamped her foot, clearly losing patience with me. "Mommy said to Daddy that you had a toy. Are you hiding it?"  

"I don't know what you're talking about, I'm sorry, Emily," I tried to explain, but my sister was on the verge of tears.  

"Why won't you let me play with it?" Emily wailed, and I could hear my mom making her way upstairs to see what was wrong with her. I ran over to Emily, and grabbed her small hands.  

"No, that's not it, I just don't know what you mean. What exactly did Mom say?" Just as I finished speaking, my mom appeared in the doorway. I kept my eyes on her as Emily gave me her answer.  

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