Chapter two

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first off i want to thank every single person who read the first chapter and more impotantly commented on it, the feedback helps me fix things (haha get) so it'll be better for you guys

thank you to everyone who fanned me i am in the process of messaging you all back ..... one by one i might add. DEDICATION or what!!!!!

i'm just going to clear up a few things. number one : every chapter is written from a different point of veiw so as to make it as simple as possible to read. we have thaught about what characters can be dropped and have decided that they are all really important to the story, as you should see, the point of veiw will of course be from one of our six characters, so far you have meet daniel, shaun & adam ...... prepare to meet grace and hudson

number two: the synopsis is an eye full and i am sorry about that i wanted it broken up into three seperate paragraphs but wattpad didn't like that idea so thats that.

if you have any questions at all message me and i will get back to you ASAP!!!!

deep breath & on to chapter two........


Gracie's POV

I groaned with exertion as I tried, for the third time, to lift Hudson out of his chair.

"!" I panted, dropping him back in the chair. I felt instantly guilty as he tried to hide his grimace of pain and failed. It wasn't his fault he hadn't been able to walk since his accident two years ago.

"Hey, that's one hundred percent muscle," Hudson informed me with an easy grin.

I rolled my eyes and tried to lift him again, much to his dismay. "You are so delusional."

I had befriended Hudson and his brother Daniel five years ago when I first moved here from Texas. Me being from Texas was something Hudson just loved to mention. In fact, I'm sure my origin led to our first conversation. I lived next door to the boys but spent most of my time in their house, taking care of Hudson while Daniel was at work or had football practice. They really needed me- their mom was rarely home and they didn't have a dad.

In that moment, I had just helped Hudson out of the shower (he was wearing boxers, of course) and was trying to remove him from the wheelchair and onto the bed. I wasn't making much progress.

"Ugh!" I shouted, frustrated. "I'm sorry, Hudson, I can't do it!"

"Gracie," Hudson said calmly. He was the only one who didn't call me Grace. I hated being called Gracie and he knew it.

"What?" I snapped at him, still annoyed that I couldn't be of any help.

"It's alright, don't worry about it. Dan will be home soon, he can help me," Hudson told me, speaking as you would to a hysterical child. I felt guilty again. Hudson was always so patient and never flipped out, even though he had more than enough reason to. He knew how to make the best of any situation.

I sat on his bed beside his chair. "I'm sorry. I just hate not being able to help you," I admitted.

Hudson laughed. "Don't be ridiculous, Gracie. I honestly have no clue what would have happened without you these last few years. There's no way Dan would've been able to take care of me all by himself." I noticed that he didn't mention his mom, but I let it go.

Before I could reply, there was a knock on the door and Daniel strolled in. Daniel and Hudson didn't really look alike. Daniel had short brown hair and warm, chocolate brown eyes while Hudson had dark, shaggy hair matched with piercing blue eyes. Hudson was also a lot more patient than Daniel and rarely lost his temper, while Daniel got bored easily and was quick to snap.

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