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School was definitely not my strong suit, to say the least. I bullshited most of my classes, which is probably why I'm a junior still taking geometry. I did what I had to , came to class on time, did my work, passed test, i didn't even skip.

It was just the fact I never did anything to actually try.

My philosophy was go, graduate and make money. Sadly that's not how the world seemed to work. All throughout the year came the pressure of college and ACT and applications. I resented the fact that the rest of school got a day off and a early release while we, juniors aka me has to sit a day and a half taking a pointless test.

Not to mention that I would try to avoid school as much as possible. I would come to school late for first period everyday. If we were late 20+ min we were truant. So I came 18 min late everyday, even if I was sitting in the hallway 20 minutes before class. I would leave as early as possible and I never took any sports or clubs

I guess this wasn't something smart but it got me through the past 2 years, it shouldn't fail me now.

All of these ran through my head as I walked around school, it was my lunch period and since I don't ever eat lunch I took the time to roam around. I looked at all the freshman, still bothering with homework, always on time, ready to get through those 4 years, get into college, get a stable job , a spouse some kids retire and die.

That's all life seemed to be honestly. This made my mind wander, for some reason, to the kid I had woke up next to this morning.

How old was he? What was his name? What did he look like? Did I know him at all?

All I seemed to remember was that his hair was a lovely shade of black, complete contrast with his pale skin.

I remember describing him as beautiful. I remember the words that spilled out of my mouth as he would cling on to me





I froze at that. That was his name. Michael.

As I was rushing to my next class, I accidentally bumped into someone, who let out a soft whine with an "oops".

I looked up to see a pale boy, undoubtedly younger, with a beanie cowering his head and a large sweater on his body. He looked up and smiled, it looked sad and pained, but I wasn't in a position to judge.

As I was too caught up in my staring, I didn't realize he was talking.

"Huh?" I replied, placing my hands inside my jean pockets.

"I like your shirt"
"The band on your shirt"
"So you like nirvana?"

I looked down, remembering like I was still wearing Michaels sweater.

"Oh, uhm, yeah I like nirvana" I smiled to be polite and walked around the pale boy a million thoughts running through my head, the biggest one being

"I'm gonna find Michael, wherever and however he is."

I based his school character on someone I know from school. He's always late to first class which is geometry and he's a junior (I'm a freshman, I have class with him as it's a mixed class between 4 freshman and the rest sophomore-juniors). Except for the fact that he's late to class bc he's too busy shoving his tongue down his gf throat, I had to make it a bit more "poetic"

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