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As soon as I woke up the first thing I noticed was the sweater draped on my computer chair next to my dresser. Undoubtedly it needed a wash, but to be quite honest, I didn't want to. It's as if as soon as I washed it, some aspect of him would fade of it. Maybe it's that his smell still lingers on the soft patchy material, maybe it's the knowledge that the sweaters covering my chest was once draped over his. All I knew is I would gladly wear it everyday.

Too bad I can't.

Getting up with a loud sigh, I walked over to my closet and skimmed through everything on the hangers. Even though they were filled, it felt as if I had nothing to wear.

If I wore this, I'd get judged, but I wore that last week and I wear this too much, it was all a big struggle.

Finally I decided on a star wars sweatshirt and grey jeans and paired with low cut converse I honestly wore way too much.

Grabbing a granola bar and my backpack, I walked out the door and started my journey to a place of acceptance and education
Kidding I was going to school

I always took my time to go to school. Considering I walked the whole way, I would always observe everything for too long and weight at the sidewalk next to the red light for the cars to pass for too long. Sometimes cars park next to me and I'd see familiar faces of certain freshman and sophomores getting dropped off by their parents. Then of course came the dreadful moment of actually arriving in school.

As soon as I'd arrive, and walk in through the double doors I'd immediately see groups.

Huddles of people talking quietly yet the whole commons area being too loud. Huddles of people judging, huddles of girls going into the bathroom where I knew from accidental experience every single mirror and counter was taken up with girls doing make up and the single outlet with a straighter. Every now and then would be huddles of guys going into the bathroom to do their makeup, but I knew they would have to do it in the bathroom stalls in fear of getting judged.

They don't deserve to he judged.
I hate this school sometimes.

And me, as always, would walk into the cafeteria space and buy myself a raspberry Snapple and pay for it, smiling at the elderly lady who always worked mornings.

The people behind me would undoubtedly be stunned at my action of showing I'm actually a human because of some reason that every freshman and sophomore here thought I was a hardass who hated every one.

I didn't hate every one
I just didn't like everyone.

Then of course I'd sit on the staircase leading up to the upstairs theatre control center sippin my snapple and waiting until the 16 min mark of class where it would take me exactly 2 minutes to walk to my class and walk in 2 minutes before I'd be marked as truant.

And as usual as soon as I'd walk in every single pupil in my first period geometry class would stare at me as I'd walk to my seat, grab the notes and my calculator and lay my head down to sleep.

Except today was different.
We had a substitute.
And attendance was to be taken out loud.

Usually I'd just sleep through attendance if we ever did have a substitute and mutter a weak "here" as my name was called.

But today, my head snapped the second a certain name was called and a certain small boy squeaked out a

The name stuck to me and my eyes were stuck to the boy 3 rows away and 4 desks behind me.

Michael Clifford

Whoop whoop small update because it's 2 am and I had this draft forever. Please comment and vote it really motivates me and results in longer and more frequent updates.

But here's a quick story: remember last chapter where I told you that I based Calum of a guy I actually knew in my geometry class.

Fun fact: I maybe possibly slightly kinda like him. Alot.

Another fact: the girlfriend he had, we they broke up which is good for me I guess but now he's always on time to class and that throws Calum off so fuck the guy from geometry.

But I really hope this chapter is ok ish because it really was just a quick update I decided to do.

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