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For the first time in all of my high school career, I've been coming to class on time.
Early, even, all because of a certain freshman who I get to see walk in everyday.

It was him

I knew it. As soon as the teacher had called out his name a week ago I had known it. And I purposely wore my sweater 3 times a week just to see him stare at it, looking as if he wanted it back but didn't have the guts to actually ask.

And I fucking hated him for that.
The thing is, I wanted him to ask. As stupid as it sounds, especially with my reputation as someone who doesn't get nervous and the cliche high school system of juniors > freshman it was so stupid of me to be nervous to do something as simple as fucking talk to the guy but here I was, staring at him from the side of my eye for a week straight.

The stupid thing with this class was, everyone stayed quiet in it. Maybe it was the fact that very grade was mixed in but I have never heard anyone but the teacher talk in this class and all I wanted to to hear the boy talk

I could see him looking at me too, in the hallways between lunch and 6th period, between his choir class and my lunch. I could always pinpoint him walking by and trying not to look at me but failing.

Fucking dammit, I even had a system for it too. I always made sure to leave class at a certain time and walk the hallways at a certain pace just to make sure that I actually saw the guy in the hallway.

The moral so far was that I was completely and utterly attracted and pulled towards him in every single way.

He looked so innocent, with his blond hair that looked like fur (probably because it was dead, but details) and his green eyes that basically screamed vanilla but oh no he definitely wasn't that. It dawned on me that the guy is most likely 14-15 and I was about to turn 18 and that could definitely put him jail.

But at a given point, all I really wanted to do was talk to the guy before anything.
So that's what I was planning to to do.


I decided to corner him after first period, since that's when he had the biggest chance of success

So, on that day, I wore Michaels sweater (which needed a wash but whatever), and stared at him extra hard that day just to watch him squirm.

And as soon as that bell rang, I jumped out of his seat and grabbed Michaels elbow, leading him into the bathroom without looking back.

I could hear his protests, but all I did was ignore them and move forward into the boys bathroom, kicking the door shut and locking it behind me.

I let go of his elbow and crossed my arms, watching him step back with a frightened look on his face.

We started at each other for a few minutes, no sounds escaping our mouths except the occasional loud breath. He backed up even more and bit his lip, looking eager and scared at the same time, fiddling with his sleeves and slightly rocking on his heels.

I took this time to really look at him straight up.

He was beautiful.

His skin was a porcelain pale and his eyes a glowing green. His hair looked almost bleached and like fur while his eyelashes and eyebrows contrasted greatly with his hair and face. His lips were a dark cherry red color, almost as if he had been making out before this. His hands were covered by a oversized sweater and his skinny jeans looked like they could cut off his circulation, but it suited him.

In short, he was beautiful.

I realized that I had been staring a but too long and cleared my throat. Which didn't really make a difference, since I knew that he saw me staring.
All because he was staring right back

"So, what's your name"

He gave me a look of amusement,as if he knew that I already knew. He probably did, since I hear his name everyday. Heck, I looked at him everyday just to watch him mumble a here since it was so endearing to watch. How could he not notice something that creepy

I heard him mumble something and look down,looking back up once realizing that I probably didn't hear him.

He opened his mouth and I could see the word "Michael" forming on them, waiting to be said until he looked at my chest. His eyebrows came together and his nose scrunched up in the cutest way possible, him looking deep in thought and like he wanted to sneeze at the same time. Instead if his name falling out of his lips, came a quiet

"Can I have my sweater back?"

I haven't updated since April can you believe.
But I honestly doubt anyone reads this so there's really no point in updating.
Any way, if anyone does happen to he reading this, could you maybe vote so I can know and update more :/
I wouldn't be surprised if the small amount of people already dropped this.
Oh, and remember when told you that I based Calums character off a guy from school? Well shit happened with him but I'll write it out next chapter, which will be up very soon once I know all reads aren't from me just checking for mistakes.
It's 4:20 so my ass needs sleep bye and until next time :)

(P.s, I saw 5sos at Tinley park and I was row 4 for soundcheck and row 2 calums side for the concert. I have pics and a hella lot to tell ( I sat next to arz and Crystal for the first half and shit happened) but I'm tired and I doubt anyone's still reading so bye hdh

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