Chapter One: Alexia

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What is going on outside? Aren't people suppose to know that the Royal Family are trying to sleep? Wait a second, why are people yelling. Are we getting attacked, or something? I need to know.
I snap out of thinking, when my door to my room was opened. I look to the door to see guards, looking frightened.

     "Princess, we need you to come with us. Once you do get dressed, that is." One of them said. I nod, hop out of my bed. I went and grabbed my practice uniform, that I use when I practice my sword fighting. I go behind the dressing thingy, I wouldn't use it if I didn't have the guards in here. Once I finished dressing, I walked out from behind it, and grabbed my rapier, and followed the guards out of my room.

         Once I'm fully out of my room, and the door is shut, the guards the surround me, and takes me to safe house. It really isn't a safe house, more like a basement, that is in the center of the keep. This is where the Royal family goes when we are under attack, but not the king. The king would bring the guards, and our army to victory, but he died. I haven't took over the army yet, but I am to take it over soon.

     As we are walking, I see the army and guards looking around, frantically, as if they can't find the culprit. This is nonsense, how can they not find the person, it can't be magic because that is from the west of our kingdom, where the elves live and to the north. I know we do have mages here, but we don't tend to use magic, it almost existent from out kingdom to the south and the east.

          As we continue to move, I look into the shadows and that is when I see movement in it. It is a body, I'm not sure if it is female or male. I put my hand to my belt, where my throwing knifes are, ready to throw them at the body if needed. That is when something, a weapon, comes from the shadow and hit one of the guards, he the guard dies. That's also when I throw my knife at the body, but it missed the body moved to fast. Faster then what the human body should. This can't be human. This being has to be from the Dark Mountain, where the dark army is and the person who is my uncle, it has to be them. 

     "My princess we need to get you to the bunker, we don't need you to be part of the fatalities of your guards. Let's hurry." One of the gaurds say, grabbing my arm lightly, hurrying faster to get me to the bunker.

    We travel through the gate, we passed dead bodies that were sprawled across the cobble, all looking scared, which terrified me. I look ahead trying my hardest to not freak or cry, I have to be strong. We take a sharp right and I see more guards, alive, and the bunker where my mother and Esta are at. I pick up my speed wanting the comfort of my mother, telling me everything will be okay. One by the bunker, I throw the door open, and rush down the stairs, and flung myself in my mothers arms. She just sat there and let me cry and hold onto her, she smoothed my hair down, telling me there's is nothing to be afraid of. I didn't no hear my sister come tumbling down the stairs, until she hugged my back.

   "Mother, who could have possibly want to hurt us? Is it because we are to be weak since father died?" I ask, whipping my tears away and turning to bring Esta into the middle of us.

   "Alexia, there are a bunch of cruel people that exist. We don't know if they do it in purpose or not, but things like these will make us stronger."She says patting both Esta and my head. Tears fill my eyes again, not wanting to hear this, because I know it is true.

I'm so so so sorry for making any of you guys wait for the next chapter. I have been adding and editing the book in my notebook over and over again, to try and make it sound better. I hope y'all enjoy and don't forget to



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🎶 Bye for now and watch for the next update.🎶Rhi

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