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You say things with your mouth- cobwebs and flies come out.

"So..." Josh tried to break the many walls of awkward silence between them, "Your friend really seems to like my brother."

Gale blinked silently not really sure of what to do since she couldn't really say anything, not that there was anything interesting to say. It was a simple yes or no question that involved no depth nor elaboration. She decided that it was safe to just nod in agreement.

The boy sucks at his teeth. Not as an act of frustration, it was more of a disappointment. Josh keeps forgetting that the girl sitting miles away is permanently silent. It was strange for him although he desperately didn't want it to be, it's just he was so used to being loud and overly dramatic to draw attention, but now that he held someone's absolute attentiveness Joshua found himself over thinking every word, every step, and every breath.

It's safe to say that it he is definitely not comfortable.

"Jordan seems really thrilled with her, just like he appears to be doing a good job at making her happy. I wonder what's taking them so long to come back?" He elaborated, "What's her name again? May?"

Gale shakes her head instantly.

"What is it then?"

So she signed skillfully, making Josh wish that he could recall any piece of the alphabet he had learned way back in middle school, but also causing him to pull at his red curls when he couldn't conjure a single memory and wasn't able to watch her slender hand move fast enough.

Gale noticed how his face started to become rosy as he kept on getting flustered and felt undeniably responsible for Josh's aggravation. She looked rapidly for some sort of paper that might've been found itself into her bag. Pulling out a thin collection of green Post-it notes.

She picked up a pen that was conveniently rolling along on the glass coffee table. She inked the paper with the words 'Maya' and sticked it in on Josh's side of the table.

He read the thin paper, then looked up at her with hesitant brown eyes, "C-could you teach me how say it the way you do?" Josh asked, trying to keep the pleasant conversation going.

She cocked her head to the side causing the pale curls to tickle her shoulder in ways only the boy in front of her found mesmerizing.

She picked up the post it once again from the table and leaned over to write on it once again, 'What do you mean?' It read.

Josh proceeded to make motions with his hands, attempting to imitate the blonde's skillful moves as least offensively as he could. He was really nervous about upsetting her, he didn't know what was okay and what was not okay to do.

But she didn't mind, she just raised her left hand.

Gale moved her hands much slower this time, taking in account the idea that he really didn't know anything about Sign Language. Josh in turn made sure his fingers mimicked hers as he attempted to learn and watched closely

And sure it wasn't all that accurate that was certain, but it unmistakably made Gale's lips curl up into a smile when she thought of how cute it was that he tried.

I hear a second voice behind your tongue somehow.

"Was that correct?" Josh cringed slightly at his own actions.

She just shrugged and smiled warmly.

"Could you teach me how to say my name?" He asked.

And she taught him.

After a while, he started to get the hang of it and was soon able to spell his whole name as well as hers.

"Okay," he exhaled in accomplishment, "Thank you for teaching me."

She wrote down a quick 'No Problem' down onto the crowded post it. This made the tall boy smile.

Josh picked up the black pen, 'What do we do know?'

She lifted the green paper to reveal a new clear one 'We wait for them to come back, I'm her ride home, remember?'

'Indeed,' Josh scribbled and and thought a little harder before he kept writing, 'We could listen to music if you'd like.'

Her eyes looked up from the paper that was already starting to get worn and lifted her shoulders in a shrug.

So Josh went on to pull on the pair of red earbuds that peeked from the pocket of his grey sweats, "Is this okay?" He said out loud.

He didn't want her to feel uncomfortable if he sat next to her as they listened to music, he could've let his favourite songs play from the surround system, but he would like to sit next to Gale if he had the chance.

She patted the space beside her.

Luckily I can reach your mind- flies and cobwebs unwind.

"Oh fuck," Josh scrolled through his iTunes playlist, "I only have Twenty One Pilots stuff on here."

She shrugged.

"Do you even like us? That was never clear to me. I don't want to-"

Gale interrupted his anxious rambling by placing a finger against his lips.

She picked up the pen and paper from the table, and scooted unintentionally closer to Josh.

Maybe three inches, Josh eye-measured.

'No talking,' she wrote and passed him the note pad.

'Okay,' he answered, 'But do you mind our music?'

She smiled at Josh's crooked attempt at a question mark, 'I don't, I like your guys' music.'

"Okay," Josh exhaled out loud, but only earned himself Gale's soft fingers against his lips once again.

He nodded in agreement and she passed him the notepad and pen once again.

They will not take you down; they will not cast you out.

Gale's handwriting consisted of clear and precise lines that covered the green paper.

Josh's calligraphy was a disastrous and sloppy attempt at script he thought would be impressive.

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