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We are surrounded by all of these lies and people who talk too much.

It had been a couple months since the sprouting friendship between Josh and Gale had evolved into a romantic relationship that constantly kept in blooming. It was truly heart-warming how it all had materialized and continued to function smoothly. Perhaps it was the emphasis on listening to each other and consent, or that the polar opposites complimented one another in unexpected ways and had connections they kept hidden from everyone else.

Just like Josh wished, Gale was captivated by him as much as he was captivated by her. The way her hair fanned and spidered along her shoulders, Josh's pouty mouth; her hazy grey eyes, his cloud-like curly hair. Gale's patience and understanding nature - Josh's kind heart.

You got the kind of look in your eyes as if no one knows anything but us.

But things were becoming hostile.

Although they had come to an agreement to keep their relationship safe from the public, but it had grown increasingly difficult when Josh's fans had noticed he had been sneaking around and doesn't appear to be as 'open' anymore.

This was because, despite Gale's pleas of making their relationship official with his fans, Josh has abstained from openly talking about such thing in social media, and procrastinates every chance he gets.

The Twenty One Pilots' Skeleton Clique was dedicated, that was certain, but as much as this continued to amaze Josh, it also scared him. When going public with his prior relationships there had been some... Complications, which is what he had been desperately trying to avoid: a breakage between from his devoted partner caused by his devoted fans.

The tension between both parties had become so strong that Josh simply decided to delete all of his social media, therefore he kept from going on it and Gale kept from claiming. Josh just wanted to be happy and spend as much time with his girlfriend as he could.

He loved calling her that, but she wouldn't give into the lovely nicknames and touches until everyone knew Josh was hers. This couldn't go unnoticed, couldn't go unheard.

Perhaps it was the jealousy that burned inside her mixing with her naive personality, but she decided to do something about it. And so, on a fateful day, sometime in March she decided to let the skeleton clique know he was hers.

Should this be the last thing I see? I want you to know it's enough for me.

Should this be the last thing I see? I want you to know it's enough for me

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That's all it was.

And that was all it took.

Her profile wasn't all that popular, 400 followers maybe, but it was public. This amount of people was enough to start a trend on just about every social media: Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr... ect. It was everywhere spreading like wildfire getting to people who don't even know what Twenty One Pilots is.

And all of the voices surrounding us here they just fade out when you take a breath.

That simple picture Josh had soon gone viral forcing her to soon delete it, but as the Internet works, you can never get it back. Soon everyone was talking about it saying and theorizing things about the couple, hungry for the next sign of life. Some of the fans were nice, really nice. They followed Gale's profile and commented heart-warming things all over her statuses, showing their support for her and the relationship. The rest however, weren't kind to say the least. They would spend hours scoping and theorizing if their relationship was a publicity stunt or not; a cover up for Jebby or Joshler they said. Fans even stared hating on Josh because they believed they had a chance with the drummer.

So at an attempt to tone down the hate, management started to come in the way of their relationship and forced them to spend less time together. Sending Josh on extra shows and always keeping him occupied.

But it didn't work.

Just say the word and I will disappear into the wilderness.

The skeleton clique knew something was up and they weren't about to let it go.
Gale couldn't help but to look at all the mean comments and just shake with anxiousness:

@AlienJishwa: I don't know who you think you are, but you better back the fuck off Josh.

@PastelTyler: You're no good for him. We all know it is your fault he started spending less time with Tyler.

@HealthyBowlofRice: We all know you're a beard, one big, fat, beard who's only purpose is to cover up Joshler.

@addictedtothewind: stress Josh out. He's getting depressed again and it's all your fucking fault.

@Daddydun: If you think you matter you are mistaken, sweetie. You're just a pretty play thing for Josh's amusement. You are nothing.

@Mrs.TylenolJoseph: lmao Josh doesn't go for girls like you, so why don't you just do us all a favour and disappear.

@Duncare: If you're gonna do as much as post a picture like why don't you just speak up, Gale. Or are you too pussy to do so?

Cause all that you are is all that I'll ever need.

Josh knew this would happen, he knew and he tried to avoid it in order to spare Gale's feelings. Josh did adorable things such as bring her flowers (Daisies were her favorites), read to her, or just speak to her; like they used to, before all of this shit happened. He tried to remind her that she was beautiful through gentle caresses, soft words. Letting her know that no one outside of their partnership could ever substitute her. He loved her and her conversations, it was private. She confessed things and he was the only one to know them, but her voice was fading away.

I'm so in love.


"Gold digger"



The voice in her head never went silent.

Talk Me Down | Josh DunWhere stories live. Discover now