Making A Demon?

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I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Yuki's Pov

I woke up in the morning to find my mother sleeping on the couch. ' Looks like she came back after all........' I said heading towards the garden. I looked into the pond and I could see myself in the pond. ' A a life of a it really forbidden????' I asked myself. ' Not really.......' said my father coming out from the garage. ' Hey father..........and what do you mean???' I asked. ' Well........demons are living their lives as humans the was different.........they cannot even be in a room with one.....but your mother.........was the first to me......that helped a human boy........' he said. ' I know that my mother is different.......but it's just that.......can a demon live with a human????For all their throughout their lives????' I asked. ' Yes.......if they are not afraid.........they can overcome matter if it was forbidden...........they will still be together........' he said. ' Just like Uncle Inuyasha???' I asked. ' Yes........' he said.

' Then can humans become demons????' I asked. ' Well.....that's um.........' he said. ' There is a possibility..........' said my mother opening the living room door. ' Is there even something like that???' asked my father. ''s an ancient mixture........but I've never seen it be done before........' she said. ' Really????' I asked. ''s just like it in the grimoire..........' she said looking through the pages. ' it is.......' she said pointing at the page. ' Is this it????' I asked. ' Yes.......but it's a little bit harder then you think......transforming a human into a demon is a painful experiment.......but if the blood of the demon that the human consumed is that of a strong one..........the events will be less painful..........but if it was from a weak demon........' she said stopping there. ' What does it say???' I asked. ' The human that is going through this process will die.........' said my father reading the last sentence.

' there any other way????' I asked. ' Through demon history.........I only know this one.....I don't know any other method.........' she said. ' If the demon's blood is strong.......then will the human have a chance to die????' I asked. ' Well......the possibility is reduced by a lot but there is still a slight chance........' she said. ' So......there is still a wall.......' I said. ' Why are you suddenly asking this????' she asked. ' Well.......nothing really.......' I said. ' Do you want Kagami to transform into a demon???' she asked. ' It's nothing like that.........but.......' I said. ' You love him for who he is.......why do you want him to change???' she asked. ' Well.......' I said hesitated to say. Then someone knocked on the door. When Kilala opened the door, Kagami came in. ' What are you doing here????' I asked. ' Well......I just want to see you......' he said. ' want to go somewhere right???' I asked. ' Yeah....' he said. ' Alright wait here......I'm going upstairs to change.' I said.

Aisha's Pov

' Kagami.....please make yourself home........' I said. ' Thanks coach.......' he said sitting down. ' Renji.....why don't you make some tea???' I asked. ' Sure......' he said heading to the kitchen. ' So I think you heard everything from outside........because our talking was a little bit loud.........' I said. ' W----What a----a---are you t----t-----talking about??????' he asked panicking a lot. ' Don't think I didn't sense you when you were were listening to every single thing we said........' I said putting the grimoire on the table. ' Yeah........' he said. ' Don't worry about it.......I'm not going to tell her about it.........but what do you think???' I asked. ' Huh???' he asked. ' Should you take on demon form???Or do you want to stay human???' I asked. ''s hard to say........' he said. ' I'll agree to your choice.........this is what you need to choice for yourself...........I can't force you to do this...........' I said. Then Renji came into the room with the tea.

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