Shocked And Betrayal

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Yuki's Pov

I woke up the next day with cold sweat dripping from my face. ' What was that dream???' I asked whipping off my sweat. I got up and dressed into my school uniform. I was shaken by that dream but I continued to walk downstairs. I sat down and ate breakfast with my family. I wasn't even listening to what they were saying until my mother noticed I was being too quiet. ' What's wrong with you???You are usually every talkative............did something happened last night????' she asked. ' She was sweating a lot when I got up........she must have had a bad dream.........' said Rei. ' What were you dreaming about????' asked my father. ' Well..........' I said explaining everything. Then I could see my mother's face with a more worried look then before.

' That's just weird.........' said my father. ' Yeah.......but why would it happen????' asked Sasuke. ' If you're saying that you dreamed about it then..........' said Rei. ' It will come true........' said my mother. ' Do you know anything about it????' I asked. ' Nothing........' said my mother. ' Are you sure????' asked my father. ' I haven't received anything yet.........' she said. ' Alright then.......' I said continuing to eat. After that, they were putting on their shoes and my father was waiting for us. Then my mother came out of the kitchen with lunch boxes in her hands. ' Here.......' she said handing to it us. ' Thanks honey........' said my father kissing my mother. ' God.......' said Sasuke walking out the door. ' Hey......' said Rei. We all walked out the house, I turned back and waved at her. We headed to school to start the first class with my father teaching our class.

Aisha's Pov

Once they left, I sat down and started to write a letter. Then Kilala and Kuroro appeared next to me. ' Why aren't you going to teach at school????' asked Kuroro. ' I asked for a three months leave........' I said. ' Did you forget???' asked Kilala smacking him in the head. ' Oh.........' he said realizing it. ' There is no need to fight like that.......' I said giggling a little. ' Is there anything you want us to do???' she asked. ' Well........I do have something for you to do..........' I said handing Kilala the letter. ' Who is this letter going to????' she asked. ' I want you to send this to my brother Inuyasha.' I said. ' Alright there anything else???' she asked. ' Well........I need you guys to buy some groceries.......' I said thinking of what to buy. I wrote down the list and gave it to Kuroro.

' Is that all???' asked Kuroro. ' If I still have something I need to do then I'll ask the know that you're not the only servants in this house........' I said. ' You're right know we can' know........' she said. ' We have to repay your father's kindness towards taking care of you........that's what your father wanted........' said Kuroro. ' There is no need to do long as your here then it's fine.......the house will feel like this's not only my family giving the house this light you all......the servants of the household too are important........' I said. ' Commander........' they both said almost crying. ' Then we'll get to it!' said Kilala rushing off with Kuroro. Then my brother and Mizuko came downstairs.

' Hey Aisha.........I heard to took leaves from teaching at school.........' said my brother yawning. ' Well.......You know why though........' I said smiling. ' I'm happy for you Aisha........' said Mizuko sitting down. ' Why is that???' I asked. ' At least my brother knows how to take care of you........' she said with a pissed off face looking at Fujimaru. ' Don't say that........he maybe clumsy but he's a good person.......' I said. Then she continues to talk through all that. I was thinking about Yuki's dream.

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