Jaclyn Singer - Part 2

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I know I said I wasn't going to do this, but it turned out fine...so enjoy!

The first thing Annabeth tells me once we get into cabin six is this:

"Jackie, there's no internet here."

The words stop me in my tracks. I turn to face my new sister. "Pardon?"

"When demigods use phones or connect to anything online really, we send up a signal that monsters can track. Now we don't really talk to monsters, we're usually fighting for our lives whenever we meet up with them, so we don't really understand the whole signal and tracking thing. All we know is that demigods shouldn't go online," Annabeth insists.

I sputter. "B-b-b-but..."

She claps me on the back. "Use an encyclopedia."

I glare at her. "Haha. Funny. But seriously. Even prisoners in Norway have internet in their cells."

"As I said before. Encyclopedia. You'll live."

"You suck..."I mumble.

Annabeth just laughs at me. "Come on. Let's go get you a weapon."

I sigh but follow her as she leads me out of the cabin. "Fine."

She walks me to a shed around back of the Athena cabin and forces me instead. "Okay, feeling any vibe? Any kind of pull? Or should I just throw stuff at you?"

I peer around the room. The walls are all lined with swords and daggers. One corner is stacked high with guns, steel bullets switched out for celestial bronze ones. There's also a very large and intimidating pile of crossbows. Not knowing how to handle any of these things, I turn to Annabeth. "Throw 'em."

"This not what I thought family bonding would entail," Annabeth tells me as she tosses a sword my way. I catch the handle in my right hand, but the sheer weight of the thing nearly pulls my shoulder from its socket. I instinctively drop it.

"Yeah, that ain't happening," I say, looking at the bronze sword on the ground.

"How's this?" My sister thrusts a crossbow at me. I take it in my hands, shifting the weight around, trying to feel less awkward.

"Nope," Annabeth states. I hand the weapon back to her.

"Maybe you have a more modern approach to this stuff..." Annabeth trails off, looking at the guns in the corner.

Understanding what she's getting at, I shake my head viscously. "Oh no. Uh uh. No way in Hel—Tartarus."

Flinching ever so slightly, Annabeth looks at me and nods. "Oh yes, Jaclyn Singer. Oh yes."

She leans down, picking up one roughly the size of my forearm and pushes the handle into my chest, forcing me to take the dang thing.

"This is going to very bad!" I shout as she walks past me and out if the shed. I jog after her like a lost puppy. "I'm going to end up shooting you! I don't even know where the safety is! Which end shoots? What in Hades is this button thing?"

Realizing that not even my limited knowledge of guns fazes her, I shut up. Right before opening my mouth and letting a bunch of facts pour out.

(Warning: the next paragraph is a bunch of facts about the USA and death and guns, so if you feel uncomfortable reading that, skip to the following paragraph.)

"In America there was an average of 268 citizens shot every day! Hello, American? Me! I'm American! What if I shoot someone? On January first of 2016, do you how many minutes past before the first shooting of the year? 15 minute! There are more guns than people in the USA! Heck! There were 327 mass shootings in the US in 2015 alone!"

I only stop when she suddenly halts and I run into her back, bruising my noise. "Ow..." I mumble, rubbing the sore feature.

"This is it," Annabeth proclaims. I look around. We're inside of a clearing in the middle of the woods. In front of us are five different monster models. A hydra with seven heads. A Minotaur. A cyclops. A hellhound. And last but not least one that looks like a normal teenage girl with a donkey leg.

I point to the last model. "What in Hades is that?" I ask Annabeth.

"Empousa, nasty things," she replies, as if speaking from experience.

"Okay then. What are they for?"

"Target practice."

That's when I notice the tiny holes all over the models. "Annabeth..."

Ignoring me, my sister takes the gun from my hands and crouches. She flicks something near the end of the gun. "Okay. I just turned off the safety. Now to aim, look over top of your gun at where you want to hit. Brace yourself for the kick. Pull the trigger and..." There's a bang and one of the hydra's wooden heads fall off. "Voila. Now you try."

She hands the gun back to me. My clammy hands take it with a mind of their own. I crouch into the same position as Annabeth took.

"How'd you talk me into this?" I question nervously, the gun shaking a little in my hand.

"I didn't," she replies simply.

"So why am I doing this?"

"Because you can't lift a sword, and crossbows look horrible on you."

"Are we seriously discussing how crossbows look on me?"

"You brought it up. Now shut up and fire."

I turn back to the gun. Focus. Look at the cyclops eye. Aim. Put my finger on the trigger. And...

"Did you know—"

"Gods dammit! Shoot!"

I pull the trigger.

There's a BANG! And the kick of the gun makes me stumble backwards. But when my vision clears and I look up at the cyclops, there's a nice round hole in one nostril.

"Holy Hephaestus! I did it! Oh my gods, Annabeth!" I turn around to shake my sister by her shoulders, but she stops me.

"Whoa there, Speedy Gonzales. Safety," she reminds me.

I blink, having completely forgotten the deadly weapon  in my hand. "Right."

Annabeth then proceeds to show me how to put the safety on and off. When the safety is on again, I lay it down on the ground, grip Annabeth by the shoulders, and start hopping up and down, yelling about how totally badass I am.

"Hey, calm down," she tells me. "Pick it up and do it again. And brace yourself this time, you looked like you were trying for liftoff the first time."

Being the mature person I am deep down, I stick my tongue out at my older sister and pick the gun up again.

"Okay, right foot back to steady yourself. Left in front. Both hands on the gun, steady," this time Annabeth decides to coach me through it.

I continue the narration for her. "Breathe in. Aim. Breathe out." I pull the trigger. BANG!

"Fire," Annabeth finishes.

I put the safety on, lay down the metallic machine and high five Annabeth. "Most badass person eva!" I exclaim.

Annabeth just looks at me before clapping a hand on my back. "Whatever you say, sister. Whatever you say."

Yay! First part two of something! Also, I updated!!!! By the way, I am doing a part two of Tessa Black, but at the moment I'm just suffering through a little writers block, so I have no clue when it'll be out. If you liked this please vote, and comment whatever,
~omgitshappenning 😜

P.S. I will not be doing a part two of the Ryan one if anyone was wondering. I like it the way it is and I think a part two will screw it up.

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