oh no... I fell in love with my step brothers.. and they love me back pt 10

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Oh no.... I Fell in love with my step brothers... and they love me back part 10

I went to my 1st class which is history with Mr. Blake he is a cool teacher and the class is interesting as I walked in I sat next to Gaby I have this class with her.

While I was waiting for class to start I was doodling for a little bit when I hear the door open but I payed no attention to it until Cassie nudged me "hey look new guys " she says

I look up and see my two worst nightmares standing at the door great! NOT!

They spot me right away and give me a stupid smirk ugh I hate them.

Weirdo they give their papers to Mr. Blake and OMFG great every girl is giving me daggers o whatever like I give.

I see them and James in front of me and Marcus sits behinds. I feel a tap on my shoulder but I ignore them until it gets completely irritating.

"What the hell do u want" I ask.

" O well I was just wondering if you would like to be between me and brother like u r now just in our room and no clothes" he says

Ewww what the hell is wrong with him gross

" Eww I wouldnt want u if I was drunk or high please" I say.

O god this class is going to be sooooo interesting plz yea right my ass.

OH NO... i Fell in lve with my step brothers...and the love me backWhere stories live. Discover now