Chapter 1

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Huh. South Korea. Land of the morning calm.  My birthplace. My mother’s dying wish. If it wasn’t for her I won’t be going in this hell.

As I watch the clouds in the window, I remember that day clearly when she told me to come home in Korea, the day she died.

It was a rare rainy afternoon in California. My mom was in our house, suffering from leukemia, declining any medications.

“Hyun Soo?” she said weakly.

“Mom, are you okay?” I told her.

“I would lie, if I say yes. Did you ever fall in love, Hyun Soo?” she said smiling. She smiled like there was nothing wrong with her. I wish I was strong like her.

“Nope. Why are you asking that question? You should rest.” I told her.

She laughed at my answer. “Did you know that love is the most magical thing on Earth? It is the one that made us. It is…it is.. Words are not enough to describe it.”

I sighed. She must be remembering my father. My father who didn’t even know that she is sick, the only person who she love.

“You know right that your father was my first love and maybe my last” she laughed again.

“Mom, you should not think about that. You should sleep.” She thinks that this is just a joke.

“Did you know that your father loves someone before he met me? I know this even though he won’t tell me. I know that he loves me but not like his first love. I can see it through his eyes. I can also tell that he still can’t move on, maybe until now. But you know what’s funny? I am happy, even though he didn’t love me as much as his first love. I am happy that I fell in love. I want you to be happy. I want you to feel what it is being in love. But you must fight not just like me. I love you, Hyun Soo. I want you to be happy. That’s why you need to go to Korea.”

“Mom! Why?” I asked.

“I want you to find the true meaning of love.” She said.

“Why there mom? I can stay here, with you.”I pleaded.

“I want you to find the true meaning of love. I want you to find the true meaning of love.” Then she died.

I sighed. I wish I know what she meant. The people around me are already going out in the airplane. I still want to wait here. I don’t want to face the world. I don’t want to face my father. I want to stay and stop time. Coward. I got up then get my bag. When I got out, the cold touches my skin. It is September, so it is probably getting ready for winter. I am already inside the airport then I get my luggage. I took a deep breath. South Korea.

“Mr. Lee Hyun Soo?” arghhh.. I hate it when somebody calls me that name. As I turned my back, I saw a man wearing formal attire.

 “ Are you Mr. Lee Hyun Soo?” the man said.

“ Yes, I am.” I answered if I wasn’t having a jetlag I would shout at this man.

“I am Mr. Kim, I am your father’s butler. I am here to fetch you from the airport.” Of course, he will never fetch me. What a surprise. “He is at work, sir. But he wants to give you this.” Then, he handed me a cell phone, Samsung S4.5, which is not yet for sale worldwide and since he has 10% shares in that company it would just be easy get one of these.

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