Chapter 2

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I didn’t sleep well that night.  The constant thought of what will happen to me today keep me awake for several hours. The sound of the alarm clock woke me up. At 7:00 am I was having breakfast with my father, it was a quiet event. And I was glad; I really don’t want to start the day talking to him. I got into my car; the smell of the new car is suffocating. Today, I will be the one to drive I already have my driver’s license. I put my bag, beside me, not that it was heavy since there are no books only an Ipad. Finding the school wasn’t difficult, the GPS helped me. I parked my car on the last lane. I was glad to see that most of the cars were like mine, flashy cars---there are Mercedes, BMW and also Porsche---- because really don’t want to stand out. The school, of course is exquisite. It is ten times bigger than my school in California. The school has its football field and it has many buildings. As I got out the car an overexcited boy shouted.

“Lee Hyun Soo, right?”

“Yes, call me L” I told him. He has a dyed brown hair and chinky eyes. His features are childlike, cute perhaps.

“Oh. By the way, I’m Kim Seung Hyun. I’m your father’s scholar and your butler’s son. Nice meeting you.” Then he shook my hands. So my father’s scholar is our butler’s son, --- how generous of him. He gives scholarships but he never even cared about his own family.

“So, you are the type of person who doesn’t talk much. Well, welcome to Shinhwa Academy!”

Shinhwa Academy? I thought the school’s name is Elite High School. Something is really fishy with this school.

“You must think that this school is fishy because the name in your patch is Elite High School but it’s real name is Shinhwa Academy”--- Woah! How did he do that? Is he an Edward Cullen or something? ---“You must think that I am an Edward Cullen that can read your mind. Well, it is just that I can read your expressions.”----He did it again. How did he?--- “I’m doing it again right?” Then he laughed.

“So much, about my mind reading stuff. Welcome to Shinhwa Academy! Do you watch Boys over flower?” he asked.

Why is he asking me that question?

“I have heard of it.”---- The story is about a group of the richest sons in Korea named F4 (flower 4), that ruled an elite high school-----“Wait, you mean?”

“Yup, this is the elite high school! Isn’t it exciting?! Well, the story about the F4 is really not true. Shinhwa Academy is called Elite High School because the students here are the sons and daughters of the richest men in Korea with some exceptions, like me who is just a scholar. Well, you see that girl”--- he pointed the girl with a short curly brown hair, wearing a nerdy glasses---“She is the President’s daughter. The girl beside her is the daughter of the richest man in Korea. She belongs to an elite family.” I looked at the girl she has a pale skin like me, her long wavy black hair covered her face, as she tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear I can see her eyes she has deep brown eyes, there something about her eyes, her eyes are in agony. She is in agony.

“Well, so much for that. I need you to go to the principal’s office, you know since you are a new student here. Sorry, if I cannot go with you since I need to get to class.” He told me.

He told me the directions. I hurry to the principal’s office still thinking about the girl.

Inside the principal’s office, was a browned-haired man, he was wearing a formal attire with the school’s patch on his chest, he must be the principal.

“Mr. Lee Hyun Soo, Welcome to our school. I am Mr. Park, I am the principal.” He told me some basic rules of the school and then he asked for my tablet. I gave him my Ipad, then he did something with it, like registering something, then he handed it to me. I looked at my Ipad there was a new app. Shinhwa Academy.

“That app is for students only; you can find the map of the school, your class schedule, and your books are in that app. To sign in, your username is your name then your password is your ID number. There many things you can do with that app, if have questions feel free to ask me. Well that’s all for now. You better get going for you already missed one class. Good Luck.”

This school is not just prestigious, it is also techy.

I looked at my class schedule, first subject is English. Then I look at the map, the map is like a GPS telling where to turn and when to stop. I really need that for the school is so big.  So base in the information in this school app, I will be in the same classroom, the same classmates, and the same teachers. And I don’t need to move from classroom to classroom. A relief, I really don’t want to introduce myself over and over again. And I don’t want to have friends.

I am already in the front of my classroom. Should I knock or just go in directly? Fortunately, a tall, balding man, noticed me.

“Class, you have a new classmate. Please come in.” the man said.

I got inside the classroom. The classroom is big even though its students are just about 20.

 “My name Mr. Choi and I am your teacher. Please introduce yourself to the class” he added.

“Hello. My name is L. Nice meeting you all. Please treat me well.” Then I bowed. I don’t want them to know my real name. I don’t want them to know who my father is. But, apparently it is an impossible goal because as I scanned the classroom, I saw Seung Hyun waving. I sighed. The teacher told me to seat near the window, beside Seung Hyun. As I was about to sit, I scanned the classroom again then I saw her. The girl who is in agony.

~Enchanted by Taylor Swift

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