A helping hand

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Björn and Agnetha's marriage ended on the 25th of December 1978. They still remained "good friends" after their marriage ended but was there something more....
It was 11 o'clock on a cold night in January 1979.

Björn had been at the studio for almost 14 hours writing ABBAs new song "Lovers Live a Little Longer". Benny, Frida and Agnetha had all left earlier in the evening.

Janitor: "You know we are going to shut soon"
Björn: "Please just give me 10 more minutes, I am really struggling to thinking what to write in this last verse of this new song"
Janitor: "Ok, well I am going to head home now, can I leave you to lock up?"
Björn: "Sure"
The janitor chucks the keys for the studio and Björn and leaves to go home.

Meanwhile Agnetha had realised that she had left her keys for her house back at the studio. She dropped Linda and Christian back off at her parents, where she had picked them up earlier, and then drove back to Stockholm to the studio.

When Agnetha stepped in the door of the studio she was surprised to see Björn still sitting there..."Björn what are you still doing here it is almost midnight!" She said surprised.
Björn got a fright when he heard her voice.
"Agnetha you frightened me, I'm still sitting here because I'm still struggling on what to write for our new song" he said looking over to Agnetha.

Agnetha then moved away from the door, took off her jacket and started to look around the studio. "Have you lost something?" Said Björn looking at Agnetha strangely. "Yes I've lost my keys for my house" she said. "I'll help you look" He said as he got up from his chair.

After 10 minutes of looking
"I've found them" Björn shouted in relief. Agnetha ran over to him. The keys were wedged between the piano and the wall where all four of them had been rehearsing earlier. Agnetha got down on her stomach, and put her arm under the piano and tried to reach them. When she did this Björn couldn't help but look at her bum. Björn was too busy looking at her body he didn't realise Agnetha had got her arm stuck under the piano.

"Help!" She shouted. "What is it?" Björn said as he got on the floor next to Agnetha. "My arm is stuck" she started to panic. "Calm down, love I'll try and move the piano". He got up and pushed the piano forwards. "Thank you" she said in relief as she freed her arm. "Agnetha you are bleeding, I'll get the first aid box". He quickly got up and ran to the medical room, picked up the box and ran back to Agnetha.

At this point Agnetha had taken off her jumper because it was covered in blood. Björn couldn't stop staring at her. "Emmm Björn....the bandage" she said impatiently. Björn was so memorised by Agnetha's body he had forgotten to put the bandage on her arm. 

"Sorry, I just can't help..." Björn stopped halfway through his sentence. "Can't help what" Agnetha moved closer to him. At this point they were both in the middle of the floor in the studio. "I can't help staring at you" he said touching her face.

Agnetha immediately got up and went back to where Björn was writing, she was trying to ignore what Björn had just said to her. "I can help you with finishing off this song if you'd like" she said looking over at Björn. He then got up and went over to her and grabbed her waist. "What are you doing Björn" she said as he moved his hands up her torso. "Don't you miss it" he said as he started to kiss her neck. Agnetha couldn't help thinking about the good times they used to share. She then turned around to face Björn and looked him straight in the eyes before giving him a passionate kiss on his soft lips.

Part two coming soon :)

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