Chapter 2

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Walking out of the cafeteria I felt mad, annoyed, and overall disappointed. The latter is what surprised me the most. Why should I be disappointed? He was the one that was rude. I can't think about this right now, I have math. Oh math, the most hated class of them all.

My class was at 118 and the cafeteria was near 356. Great, all the way across the school. I look at the map and read that I need to take a right. When I take one, the numbers seem to go up. I turn around and try the other hallway. Some people are looking at me weirdly for turning around in the middle of the hallway. I'm the new student; I don't know where I'm going!

Some students are filing to their classrooms, while I'm still extremely lost. The lockers are closing and so is my gate of confidence. I just kind of wander around, not really knowing where to go. I really feel like a lost puppy. The bell rings and I sigh. It's the first day of school and I've been lost twice and late three times. The teachers must not like me already. No one is in the hallway and I'm still completely lost. I'm pretty sure 286 is still not close to 118.

I sigh in relief when I see someone with their back facing me. Finally, maybe they can show me where to go.

When I grow closer, the mop of brown hair starts to become familiar. I'm starting to see blonde highlights. I gasp, it's him. My intake of breath makes him turn around. He smirks before his face falls. "You," he mumbles.

Him walking towards me is what takes me out of my thoughts. "Um, excuse me? What are you doing?" He stops when he's about half of a foot away from me. His eyebrow lifts and he smirks. My forehead is scrunched in confusion. What the heck?

He drops his head until it's right near my ear. My breath hitches. We're basically chest to chest and I can faintly feel his heart beating spiraticly. His body and eyes show surprise, but his attitude lacks it. The way he smirks at me leaves my head whirring. What's happening?

I clear my throat and he straightens up, still only a couple inches in front of me. "Yes?" He asks.

Really that's what he has to say? I roll my eyes at his annoying and confusing behavior.

When I turn around his hand is on my forearm. I groan as I turn around. This is all just a waste of my time. I break my arm free and glare at him. This time it's my turn to ask, "Yes?"

He looks confused, "Didn't you want to talk to me?"

"No thanks, I'm good." Maybe he'll leave me be. I stand still and wait for him to say something. With my face still expressionless I add, "If you're not going to say anything I'm going to go. This 'conversation' is boring me." He still hasn't said anything. His mouth is slightly apart like he's going to say something, but he closes it again and his jaw ticks. "Okay, bye." I say monotonously. I give him a slight wave before turning around the corner.

I sigh and look down at the map. If I'm correct, I need to take this hallway until the second right, then turn right. My classroom should be on the left. I would be happy that I was close, but I thought I was right and look where I am: still lost.

The second right is coming up and I read the number, 121 on one of the rooms. "Yes!" I push my fist into the air. One of the teachers from the classroom next to me ducks their head out their doorway. They give me a glare before going back to teaching. I slowly bring my fist down and feel heat rise up into my cheeks.

120, 119, and 118. Oh my, finally. The clock tells me I'm almost ten minutes late. I think that's a new record. My feet take me up to the door and I knock, awaiting my teacher to open it and stare at me disappointedly. As expected, he does.

"Ms. Welmer. Nice of you to finally join us." My teacher is standing there with a book in his hands. "It would have been better if it was ten minutes earlier, but it's nice nonetheless." I can't register his tone so I just smile and walk fully through the doorway.

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