Chapter 7

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Genna's POV

The first thing on my mind this Friday afternoon is the football game. On Tuesday after school, Grayson took me to the movies. When we got back to my place he invited me to come to his game tonight. I of course said yes. He even gave me his jersey to wear! I feel so cliché, but so happy at the same time.

I came home from school a couple minutes ago and I've just been getting ready. My outfit was pretty easy, since it was just the jersey and a pair of jeans.

My hair was a whole other story. I had it up in a bun at school, so when I came home and took it down it looked horrible. It was poofy, it stuck up everywhere, and it was just over-all knotty. I grabbed a brush and yanked it through my hair. After fifteen minutes, it was finally done. I picked up my straightener and quickly ran over it a couple of times.

My makeup was pretty natural. All I had was foundation, concealer, mascara, and a little bit of lip gloss. I stand in front of my mirror and acknowledge what I've done.

A beep comes from my phone and I pick it up. I got a text from Christy.

Are you going to the game tonight?

Yeah, are you?

Yes! I'm excited because I won't have to go alone now that I know that you're going.

I chuckle at her loneliness. My phone rings and I see that it's her.

"What do you think I should wear?" Is the first thing she asks me when I answer.

"I don't know, you're asking the wrong person." She truly is. I literally wear the same thing every day.

I hear her growl under her breath. "Fine, but I'll see you there?"

"Yeah of course, bye."

"Bye!" I hang up and put my phone down on my nightstand.

My mom calls me from downstairs and I grab my phone and wallet. Before heading out of my room, I decide to grab a random hoodie in case I get cold.

"Yeah, Mom?" I ask her when I get downstairs. She takes her gaze off of her phone and eyes me warily.

"Is that a boy's jersey I see?" She says sarcastically.

I blush and nod my head. "Yeah, so what if it is?" I challenge her.

She smirks at me and shrugs. "I'm just asking," She says, a smirk still present on her face. The blush on my cheeks grows redder when my sister comes in the room and gives me the same smirk my mom just had on.

I quickly stagger out the door and into the car. My cheeks are still red by the time I turn on my GPS; the game is at the other team's high school, which leaves me clueless as to how to get there.

The school was only a couple minutes further away than my own. I get out of my car and lock it. When I'm a couple feet away from my car a gust of wind passes by and sends shivers down my spine. I decide to turn around and grab my hoodie from the passenger seat.

Chris is waiting for me when I get to the bleachers. I'm a couple minutes late so the game has already started.

"Is that Grayson's jersey you're wearing?" I hear Chris ask from the seat next to me. My cheeks redden. I nod casually, hoping she'll forget about it. It had entirely the opposite effect. "Oh my gosh! Are you guy's official yet?! You better not be or else I'll get mad at you for not telling me." She screams in my ear. A few people turn to look at her, the rest are too consumed by the game to even care.

"No, of course we're not official...yet. Just forget about please? Let's just watch the game." I try to plead with her. She sighs, but eventually stops talking about it.

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